New tune from the band I´m in.Reviews,please..

I knew I could count on you....:)
Didnt like the voice and both of the solos sound like in the background...for the rest sounds good. Not my kind of music tough.
Not bad dude.

The song all fits together but man, I gotta tell you...the snare drum sounds like Lars Ulrich's St. Anger snare in a way. Also, the solo needs to be brough more towards the front. It's too far back.

Other than that, I think it's pretty good.

NP: Symphony X - The Accolade
Mix needs better seperation, and frankly the 'core vocals are redundant as shite. The music at least has intensity, and depth. professional rough mix, conisidering, but I wouldn't pay money for this.
That´s cool,man.Just nice to get some reactions.
