New Ulver interview... Garm also talks a bit about Opeth

Mumblefood said:
interesting. That's cool he is into Univers Zero, i really like that band, and i didn't really expect that from Garm.
hmm why didn't you expect it? if anything, i'd say he has pretty wide tastes in music.

also, the link isn't working for me, either
the whole site seems to be down
batmura said:
Garm wasn't all that talkative...

From various interviews I've read he seems like a pretentious and arrogant prick. But anyway, the site still seems to be down. I'm curious what he had to say.
From various interviews I've read he seems like a pretentious and arrogant prick. But anyway, the site still seems to be down. I'm curious what he had to say.


I love me some Ulver but the dude does come off as a holier-than-thou douchebag. And those are the worst kind of douchebags.
The site seems back up now. I'm surprised he didn't rule out ever doing a metal album again. I remember reading some interview where he was extremely negative about the entire metal genre and just dismissed all of it as childish music for anti-social people or something like that. Maybe he's mellowed out a bit since then.
I always liked Garm... But I'm generally a 'holier-than-though' douchebag to most people anyways, so maybe thats why... :)... But yeah I do remember reading an interview where he completely 'dissed' the metal genre... But I think that had more to do with most metal fans being total close-minded idiots... But I think anyone that isn't a stereotypical 'metalhead' can agree that most stereotypical 'metalheads' (along with any other stereotypical anything) are close-minded idiots... Anywho, glad to see he likes Opeth, at least the new stuff. Although I never heard anyone compare old Opeth stuff to Ulver anyways...
prowlergrig said:
hmm why didn't you expect it? if anything, i'd say he has pretty wide tastes in music.

also, the link isn't working for me, either
the whole site seems to be down

Mostly because i don't hear it much in the music. I know he has diverse tastes (obviously considering the back catalogue), but i thought a lot of it delved in the industrial/electronic side of things.
The site seems back up now. I'm surprised he didn't rule out ever doing a metal album again. I remember reading some interview where he was extremely negative about the entire metal genre and just dismissed all of it as childish music for anti-social people or something like that. Maybe he's mellowed out a bit since then.

Garm has always gone where he thinks the money is. His career arc has been quite consistent in that respect.