Dumbest Opeth Question Yet..

bangadrian said:
whatever, some people say "vanilla" some people say "vanella", it doesn't matter. opeth or opith, who the fuck cares.

btw, people who say "vanella" are retarded.

haha i pronounce it vanelle, however i am not retarded.

also i pronounced the band "opith" (and not stressing the O at all really) until i heard mike himself say "O-peth" (stressing the O as well).
It is Oohh- Peth(as in 'pet' like a dog or cat).
Unless you are from New Yawk. then it is Poooh Bah.
/'oupeth/ I'm sorry, guys, I can't paste the real phonetic symbols... that's about as close as I can get... "We're Opeth from Stockholm, Sweden..."
No way in hell. The "e" in "Opeth" has the same pronunciation as the one in "hell," which is not open, and it's not long, either. "O" sounds /'ou/, stressed diphthong. The "th" like the ending consonant in "bath" /th/. I'll tell you about the "p" later.
Demoke said:
No way in hell. The "e" in "Opeth" has the same pronunciation as the one in "hell," which is not open, and it's not long, either. "O" sounds /'ou/, stressed diphthong. The "th" like the ending consonant in "bath" /th/. I'll tell you about the "p" later.
uuh.. thats what i said. the 'e' in 'hell' has the same 'eh' sound
Fuck! The dumbest question ever made me think and now I can say that the "e" in Opeth is not the same as in "hell" for one reason: "hell" is a stressed syllable, while "peth" is not. That's why this "e" is not "strongly" pronounced as /e/ but as "schwa" whose phonetical symbol is a kind of "e" upside down, or rather a "9" upside down. In that case, the two vowels of "Opeth" are pronounced the same way as the two vowels in the word "omen." I may be wrong but that's what I think.
Lord_AgathoN said:
man you are all fucked up .........opeth like "oh pet" (not with a long oooooooooh) but with the th from bath. thats it

It's a diphthong: "schwa" + u in British English; and "o + u" in American English. At least that's the way Steven Wilson pronounces that in the documentary.
pronounce it however you want. i've heard the guys in the band say it a couple different ways, so i don't think it really matters all that much ;)
I would pronounce it a number of different ways myself, as I'm Spanish and we only have five vowels: a, e, i, o, u. As soon as it gets long, short, open, closed, schwa and the like, I'm lost. So, it's not a big deal, anyway. PEAC EOUT

(im high) btw I was trying to post my pic as an avatar but it says I dont get access. jesus I a fucking member!