New Update!!!

Apr 8, 2006
Lahore, Pakistan
Mike on his myspace blog:

"Rupert Pupkin!

I didn't know what to write in the "subject" line other than that.
Just a little update for you guys....

"The Roundhouse tapes" is coming along nicely, both the CD version and the DVD. We're working on the artwork right now and as usual it takes time. I think the CD is supposed to be out in October sometime and the DVD early next year as far as I know. I hope it's going to be worth the wait.

Writing is coming along nicely. I have around 5 tracks ready, or semi ready. I think it sounds darker than ever before (not saying this to "sell" the record, I think it really is darker) and more versatile. I have a new Pro Tools rig that I use to record my demos and it really helped. Everything's faster whereas before it was literally impossible for me to demo entire songs. I have loads of material that I have yet to demo and I've also gotten stuff from Per, Mendez and Fredrik.

At this point I know that it's going to be a very good record, at least for my taste. There's a sense of confidence in me that I've never really felt before, and I have no idea where it's coming from. I might confuse "confidence" with "inspiration" but basically everytime I sit down and play, I come up with something.

The plan for us at this point is to start rehearsing in October and record in Novemeber. We haven't talked about producers yet, I'm not sure what I want to do. I've talked with Steven Wilson but we'll see. We might do it on our own as we did the last time. We are going back into Fascination street, that's for sure...great studio! Everyone in the band is pretty psyched about this. We feel a little bit like "underdogs" with everything that's happened, yet I hope the quality of the music will clear all doubts. We still mean business....

OK, that's it, not much groundbreaking info yet, but I just wanted to say "Hey" and let you know what's up.

Take care peeps!

Nice to hear they're confident! Can't wait. :heh:
rockin Duder...!!!!....i know the "confidence" hes talkin bout....its a beautiful feeling...ive had those spells...adn its relaly productive.....dude.....honestly...this guy cannaot write bad music even if he tried...!!! of luck brother...cant wait for the VD and the new cd man...Keep rockin...PEAC EOUT
Mike on his myspace blog:

"Rupert Pupkin!

Haha, I read Mike was a big fan of the movie, 'The King of Comedy'

Sounds good, im so up for some "darker" Opeth.

Maybe Rupert Pupkin could be a possible song title hey mike?!
May not be a genius comment but,

Would that confidence line refer to being a little "suspicious of outcome", since there is no need to express that kinda feeling at all? You know people may tend to express an opposite feeling as a self-defence measure (I am not a psychology expert or something, just my imagination perhaps).
May not be a genius comment but,

Would that confidence line refer to being a little "suspicious of outcome", since there is no need to express that kinda feeling at all? You know people may tend to express an opposite feeling as a self-defence measure (I am not a psychology expert or something, just my imagination perhaps).

I think he's refering to the way the songs are being written. How he is writing something completley new and different. I dont really see how that statement could be in an act of defence at how the songs will turn out since he has them pretty much demo'd and put together and he has the ability to say whether he feelings good about these songs. But to each his own i guess.

As long as it is satisfying Mikael's taste then that's all we can expect. So I'm very excited for these new songs!:)