*Recording Update*

Mr Samsara said:
Jesus I've participated in derailing my own *Recording Update* thread... damnit.

anyway, in lieu of creating a Dredg thread that ironically I would be forced to delete, I'll just post this..

I admin THE dredg board here and while you are there, click the top banner to go to my buddy Jon's fantastic Dredg related site. It's great.... and so is Dredg.


Whoa! I love traversing.net, it's tons of fun to read. That's why I love bands like that - you can just go deeper and deeper 'cause they put so much thought into their music. brilliant.

....just like Opeth.
haggard said:
That's definitely in my top 5 most anticipated releases, which are as follows:

1. Opeth, dur
2. New Tool
3. New Dredg
4. Lamb of God's live DVD (april 19th)
5. Suidakra's "Command to Charge" (april 25th in Europe, i'll have to mail order it)
New TOOL isn't gonna happen, as far as anybody can tell. Maynard has "found God," whatever that's supposed to mean. He needs to get his ass back in the studio, record the album, and then spend as much time with God as he wants. I was really counting on that one, too. First one my list was Opeth's new album, but having Opeth and TOOL both put out new albums within months of each other would have been amazing.
Eh, no need to get feisty. :p The last time I checked the site that article wasn't there. It seemed like a prank Maynard would pull, but ya never know. :)
Sorry for another off topic post.. but who is this so called Dredg? And what do they sound like? Are they more like prog rock or metal or... ? While we're at it.. could someone tell me about Mars Volta?
Dredg is a prog rock kind of band, they sound heavier on Leitmotif than on El Cielo.

both have interesting concepts and are best heard in entirety. if you like Porcupine Tree, you'd probably like Dredg.
http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&searchlink=DREDG&uid=MIW060504071334&sql=11:t690s39qa3xg~T0 is the best link i can find right now. their official site is down until the new album comes out.

Mars Volta is what i'd call modern prog rock or prog alternative. they've got very strange and dissonant passages with interesting melodies. listening makes me think "this is so weird but yet so cool".
[onyx] said:
Eh, no need to get feisty. :p The last time I checked the site that article wasn't there. It seemed like a prank Maynard would pull, but ya never know. :)
sorry, i was tired and i'm sick of telling people it was a joke...no hard feelings
The Mars Volta is awesome. Check out their song 'Cicatriz ESP.' That song has a great rhythm and lots of motion to it. Love the guitar stuff, too. I didn't find them until just recently; I heard Cicatriz used in a Quake3 trickjump video (Live To Fly).

"I've defected!"

@cthulufhtagn: No worries, man. :Spin:
Mr Samsara said:
The boys go into the Studio on Monday. I thought I would create a place for them to update us, vent about how shitty the equipment is or how they want to kill the sound guy or whatever....

But for now... If Mikael "The Almighty" Åkerfeldt :worship: happens to see this before Monday: How does it feel to finally be able to rehearse? Are you relaxed and ready to record? Will this new material be "as tight as a witches cleft"? We here at the Opeth forum are sending you and the boys a positive recording vibe, best wishes and all that jazz.

Keep the stalkers at bay with an update when you can.




Mr Samsara said:
What's goin' on, guys? Come on, Mike... Drop us a tid bit or something. The natives are getting restless and they're holding Moonlapse hostage... freaking out that Opeth is going to become a Nu-Metal band.... and Google issued a press release stating "Man Purse" has become their most request search criteria.

Seriously... more good karma and "Eeeevil Cuuuuelty" vibes from all of us to you and the rest of the Opeth clan to keep pushing for the completion of the next masterpiece.

Just to get your thoughts flowin...Per a permanent member yet? Did the practice pay off? Lots of tape on the floor? Producer? Title? # of songs? Concept? Label Search? Tour Dates? U.S. Headliner tour? New DVD w/ 4 hrs. of documentary footage and lots of new shit mixed with old school Opeth classics?

Ok, I may even be getting carried away with this *bump*, so....

All: Just trying to get the *Recording Update* train back on the tracks...

Mike: The above is just a taste of all the questions being asked and positive vibes being sent in the general direction of the Opeth camp... please fill us in when you get a moment, ok?

erm, no offense mr. s but i'm not really holding out much hope for any updates...i think we'll see something on opeth.com first, then maybe mike will throw us a frickin' bone, as it were

@onyx - deloused is one of my fave albums of all time, buy it immediately..the songs really flow together. the new one is somewhat of a disappointment for me, not as tight, the songs meander too much

also for all tmv fans don't forget to check out at the drive-in
I don't know that we'll be getting any update. If it was me in there, I'd want to focus as much as I could. The CD in my hands would be enough of an update for me. :D

@Trey: Of course I have. :) I've been gaming since Wolf3D came out. Mostly FPS games, although I played a bit of Warcraft years ago. I hang out a lot in the forums at Quakecon.org. Can't wait to go again this year. My folder of trick videos is 8.39 gigs, all from Own-age.com. :D

And now to keep this post on the topic of Opeth (check out these tie-in skills), if I ever (and am planning on doing it) make a trick video for Q3, I'm using at least one Opeth track. Boo-ya, grandma! :)
haggard said:
You really know Drew? Like, personally? :OMG: Uh, say hey to him for me...and tell him that dredg + mushrooms = incredible. Also tell him to come to fucking North Carolina....without Taproot this time.

but seriously man, any info on the new album would be greatly appreciated. you rock.


http://www.purevolume.com/dredg Don't ignore this link


dredg will be in NC.....soon. :)

5/22/2005 Tremont Music Hall / The Casbah Charlotte, NC , United States

Drew did drop me an email yesterday finally. Here's a piece... "we come to los angeles in the end of june.......so hopefully you can make it out to have a listen, share some time with alchohol.....as for a pre-release...i wish i could get you one.......a little more strict this time we are..........i hope all is brilliant and wonderful with you and the family......cheers.

Anyway, the new record "Catch Without Arms" will hit shelves 6.21.2005 and that's confirmed.

cthulufhtagn said:
erm, no offense mr. s but i'm not really holding out much hope for any updates...i think we'll see something on opeth.com first, then maybe mike will throw us a frickin' bone, as it were

I know dude.... I was keeping this thread in sight so everyone had a central location to vent thier "When's the new record being released" angst..saving us from endless threads asking the same questions, etc. and with the Ålmighty lurking in the shadows you never know....you know? ;)
