New Upload: Helloween Interview & Reviews for Nevermore, Morbid Angel and more


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
In a rush tonight, so the review index isn't updated. The new reviews are in the A-Z index though, ok?

New Interview with Michael Weikath of HELLOWEEN

New Reviews

DIVINE RAPTURE - The Burning Passion
INTENSE - Second Sight (Unsung Heroes Section)
KALIBAS - Enthusiasm Corruption of the Common Good
MISERY INDEX - Retaliate
NEVERMORE - Enemies of Reality

You know what I like most about this band? Not one of their releases sounds like the previous, yet they are all undeniably MORBID ANGEL.

Great review Josh, but honestly Morbid Angel is the ONLY group that I enjoy the tacked on bonus tracks, even Drum Check. Normally bonus tracks are pointless and belong on a second disc where I can listen to them once and forget about them forever, but for whatever reason I love it when Morbid Angel does it, like on Formulas.
Ayeka said:
Heading to the Helloween interview right now :)
Cool - that Weikath seems like quite the frustrated character.

Check out the Intense review as well if you like Ayeka - I know you had an interest in Sean's band.
Cheers for the tip :) yeah, all that Dark Ride stuff sounds mildly that dude really enjoyed getting that off his chest. Cool stuff, need to finish reading it now cos my mate interrupted me for fags :loco:
NAD said:

Great review Josh, but honestly Morbid Angel is the ONLY group that I enjoy the tacked on bonus tracks, even Drum Check. Normally bonus tracks are pointless and belong on a second disc where I can listen to them once and forget about them forever, but for whatever reason I love it when Morbid Angel does it, like on Formulas.

Thank you, however, those are not bonus tracks, they are considered songs on the album, on both releases.
Weikath was an interesting character, or so it seems. Regardless of the questions that were asked, he had already decided what he wanted to talk about.

I also love how a representative of Helloween can refer to Freedom Call (a Helloween clone) as being a bit too gay. :lol:
Papa Josh said:
Thank you, however, those are not bonus tracks, they are considered songs on the album, on both releases.
Technically yeah, but they are more add-ons than proper album songs. I look at it like they were just having a bit of fun with it, especially given the closing of the liner notes. ;)
I just think that, if it was that awful.... why did he choose to have his picture and name on it? Where is HIS integrity if that is the case?

He didn't seem to mind all of the very positive response it got in the press. Even people that usually wouldn't like Helloween enjoyed that record. Maybe that's what pisses him off is that people liked Roland and Uli's material more than his latest...
Papa Josh said:
He didn't seem to mind all of the very positive response it got in the press. Even people that usually wouldn't like Helloween enjoyed that record. Maybe that's what pisses him off is that people liked Roland and Uli's material more than his latest...
I've never even heard it, but if anything, the fact that it sounds 'darker' and was produced by Roy Z makes it rather enticing....I actually think Rabbit sounds waaay too happy, much like Freedom Call. Who's their new guitarist? Heh.