NEW UPLOAD: Woods of Ypres Interview, and lots of reviews...

Do you know what their fastest selling is by any chance?
Not sure who the fastest is, but they claim that Aborym, Aghora and Diabolicum have been their best sellers over the years ... Aborym I can probab;y believe, but the other two !?!?!?

I actually have a magazine with a Nile interview where Karl (I believe) says that he's never been to Egypt but that it's one of his big goals in life.
Give me break, my friend just came back from there last month, $2000 tops for the trip ... he is a construction worker and he could afford it.

For someone making a career out of it, that is a pretty lame excuse ... "Biggest goal in life" my ass :)

I just have it out for that band for some reason, they just seem so full of shit to me.
Goatsblood is also Canadian . . . I think. Anyway, regarding the Goatsblood review, even though I would give it a 9 (maybe 9.5) out of 10, I would say PJ's review actually summed up the music adequately. I don't think they rip off Eyehategod, though. They are simply in the same genre at times. I only wish NAD would have reviewed this, but, nonetheless, the review will actually pull certain listeners to the music. Good job . . . I guess.

NAD: Do you like that Watchmaker I sent you? If you can figure out what they are doing, you'll realize why it is one of the most important releases in years.
I'm working on a Goatsblood review myself right now. I do think PJ hit the nail on the head, but saw it in a bad way as opposed to an enjoyable way like I do. Mainly I'm doing it because of the score: 0.3 / 10??? Come on, I wouldn't even give tripe like Britney Speared a score that low! :loco:

I've tossed in Watchmaker a few times now, dear lord there is a lot going on there. The production reminds me of Nattens Madrigal except instead of everything being toward the treble side, Watchmaker puts everything in the mid-range. Makes for an interesting sound, no doubt. It'll be a few weeks for that review though, I want to absorb it more.
lurch70 said:
To me Nile is the biggest crock of shit. Fucking singing about Egypt ... you are from freaking NC for Christ' sake ... lol
OK, since no one responded to the point I made, and that Demonspell emphasized, I will state it again. And this is not just pointed towards lurch.

Didn't everyones favorite band Morbid Angel sing about Mesopatamia? And weren't they from FLorida? And can anyone verify whether or not the band has visited Mesopatamia?

Like Demonspell said, if you're going to give Nile a hard time, you better check up on a lot fo your favorite bands. Because if Nile singing about Egypt, but being from NC is a crock of shit, what does that say about Morbid Angel? Pretty much the same thing.
Yeah, Trey is into the Sumerian / Mesopotamian thing, and yes, they are from Florida.

About Nile never visiting Egypt, who cares? The Egypt that Karl writes about is hardly the Egypt of today. :)

As JayKeeley once said (paraphrase): "who cares if the lyrics are authentic, it's all theatre anyhow!"
Didn't everyones favorite band Morbid Angel sing about Mesopatamia? And weren't they from FLorida? And can anyone verify whether or not the band has visited Mesopatamia?
This might be true, but was a few songs at most.

NILE made a career out of it. The bands name is "NILE" for God's sake.

To me this is the equivalent of Kiss singing about chicks and gettign laid and while being virgins themselves ... :)
Yeah I was a little hesitant to include that slight dig on Nile in my Negura Bunget review, but I thought it read quite well just to emphasize all the stuff Negru does with his Central European ideology. I just wanted to emphasize NB's authenticity I guess....

...look, I think Nile rule! I love that Egyptian shit. It is theater / theatre!!
It is theater / theatre!!
Theater, schmeater ... i like a little honesty in my music.

Heck, I hate Nile so much I might go to the show tonight ... hahaha

Quite frankly, I really want to know how long they will be able to milk this Egyptian thing .. are they going to move on to another country next?
It is apparent that many MA songs are based on Sumerian ideology. Read the song titles and lyrics for verification. Hell, look at the album covers of the first two. Go to their website and the intro page is a big acient Sumerian/Mesopatamian thing:

lurch70 said:
Heck, I hate Nile so much I might go to the show tonight ... hahaha
Personally speaking, I think Nile are better in the studio than live on stage. They make good use of Egyptian instruments, african choirs, chanting etc, and I also like to read their lyrics, which I think are excellent. Most of this gets lost in their live shows.

Nile should put on a good show tonight (you have to see Jon Vesano to believe him - just watch his bass work), but it'll be tough to follow Amon Amarth, Vader, and especially Kreator.

Quite frankly, I really want to know how long they will be able to milk this Egyptian thing .. are they going to move on to another country next?
I read somewhere that Karl Sanders said he had enough subject material to fill a hundred albums on Egypt.

As a side note, I think it would be interesting to see a band leverage a country like India for it's subject matter by the way. I think there is a lot to research with all that mythology & history of black magic, underground religous cults, battles between Gods, witchery, demons etc.
Erik said:
Nile ruled live at Wacken... Atmosphere.
You are kidding me! Slayer and Twisted Sister were the two main bands that ruled the crowd. I was bored during the Nile set. They do sound better in the studio than live.
Testament were much better than Slayer, in fact Testament was the best concert I've ever attended. Still, Slayer were very good (weren't they, Sorath? HAHAHA*). I thought Nile created amazing atmosphere, playing at night and all. A little boring towards the end, yes, but that was probably due to me being familiar with exactly one of the songs they played.

* Sorath passed out due to excessive drunkenness and missed Slayer perform all of Reign in Blood :>
Erik said:
What does this mean by the way?

Um. Yes? Or am I just not getting TEH FUNNAY!!!1 here? :p
Well, I just read a three page spread on Wacken in the latest Brave Worlds and Bloody Knuckles magazine (with Dimmu on the front) and they mentioned that Slayer played 'snippets' of each (or some) of the songs from Reign in Blood....

...I will check again tonight when I get home, and if it is incorrect then we should bloody well correct them on that.
They definitely, without doubt, played all of Reign in Blood, each song in its entirety. NO doubts. What they DID do was stick "Dead Skin Mask" and another song in between some of them, so it wasn't Reign in Blood quite straight through, but all the songs were there in their entirities.

o___O <-- just someone with an eye larger than the other
Erik said:
They definitely, without doubt, played all of Reign in Blood, each song in its entirety. NO doubts. What they DID do was stick "Dead Skin Mask" and another song in between some of them, so it wasn't Reign in Blood quite straight through, but all the songs were there in their entirities.
Sure - knowing me, I read it wrong, but I'll recheck anyway. I'll post a quote later tonight.