NEW UPLOAD: Woods of Ypres Interview, and lots of reviews...

It's not impossible that BWBK are wrong either. My ears, on the other hand, are entirely infallible. :Smug:

I mean, what'd be the point of dividing up 2 minute songs anyway? I've listened to Reign in Blood enough to be pretty sure that they did indeed play all of it.
Erik said:
It's not impossible that BWBK are wrong either.
Excerpt from BWBK:

"In London, a week earlier, Slayer had performed the first half of their set and left the stage ignoring the entire Reign in Blood opus. The crowd was bewildered and ready to tear the place apart until Slayer kicked into "Angel of Death" and proceeded to encore the entire record, in chronological order! There were rumours that the same would happen at Wacken, but it wasn't the case. However, the entire unsurpassed opus was performed in bits and pieces as people's jaws hit the dirt floor!".

That final sentence is full of ambiguity. I'm assuming "bits and pieces" means "interrupted by Dead Skin Mask"...?
In regards to Morbid Angel and Mesopotamian mythology: pretty much every song on every album has been about the mythology. Read the liner notes on Altars of Madness, Blessed are the Sick, and Covenant and you'll see they even thank the gods personally. Morbid Angel was a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE influence on not only my musical life, but my personal life as well. They really got me interested in occult things other than the typical Satanism stuff.

Was anybody else a Ouija board freak in high school?
npearce said:
In regards to Morbid Angel and Mesopotamian mythology: pretty much every song on every album has been about the mythology. Read the liner notes on Altars of Madness, Blessed are the Sick, and Covenant and you'll see they even thank the gods personally. Morbid Angel was a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE influence on not only my musical life, but my personal life as well. They really got me interested in occult things other than the typical Satanism stuff.

Was anybody else a Ouija board freak in high school?

100% agreed. Trey is forehead deep in it.

As far as NILE, I think it is brilliant that they are solely Egyptian themed. They are called Nile for crying out loud! And Karl Sanders is very fluent in the studies, so what is wrong with that, lurch?

I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't expect anything else from them...
npearce said:
Was anybody else a Ouija board freak in high school?
No, but I was in elementary school. Those things are pretty cool, I had a Milton Bradley version or something. :lol:

I happen to love Nile's Egyptian theme, it's what made me buy Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka to begin with. "Whoah, you mean this is death metal that is NOT about dismembered corpses or forests? Sold!" :)
As far as NILE, I think it is brilliant that they are solely Egyptian themed. They are called Nile for crying out loud! And Karl Sanders is very fluent in the studies, so what is wrong with that, lurch?
There is nothing wrong with it, just personally I don't buy into it. Seems a litle contrived to me ... that is all.
lurch70 said:
To me this is the equivalent of Kiss singing about chicks and gettign laid and while being virgins themselves ... :)
I just noticed this, so I say :lol: . :lol: I say.
KISS also claim to be Jews don't they? Isn't it against their religion to have illicit sex?
Gene Simmons is definetelly Jewish ... not sure about the other guys.

As far as sex, not sure about other Jews, but my Jewish friends are the biggest pervs of all of us.

Of course, when you base your entire aesthetic around a subject, there's a fine line between genuine inspiration and cheap gimmick
Unfortunatelly I see Nile as a cheap gimmick ... at least Kiss walk like they talk it :)
I don't see Nile as having a gimmick. THey've been doing the Egyptian thing since the beginning. It's not like they released a couple of albums of straight death metal, and then decided "Hey, lets integrate Egyptian themes into our music". I mean c'mon. Likewise, it's not like they decided to have a female front the band wearing tight clothing.

If your going to accuse Nile of having a gimmick with Egypt, stay with your convictions and accuse Morbid Angel of having a gimmick with Sumerian civilization.
Dreamlord said:
I don't see Nile as having a gimmick. THey've been doing the Egyptian thing since the beginning. It's not like they released a couple of albums of straight death metal, and then decided "Hey, lets integrate Egyptian themes into our music". I mean c'mon. Likewise, it's not like they decided to have a female front the band wearing tight clothing.

If your going to accuse Nile of having a gimmick with Egypt, stay with your convictions and accuse Morbid Angel of having a gimmick with Sumerian civilization.


Preach on brother, can I get a witness???
Likewise, it's not like they decided to have a female front the band wearing tight clothing.
Oh, oh ... i see this thread drifting into a northern European direction :)

If your going to accuse Nile of having a gimmick with Egypt, stay with your convictions and accuse Morbid Angel of having a gimmick with Sumerian civilization.
I know you guys insist on this, but you know as much as I that MA don't do this on the same level as Nile does. At least MA is subtle about it ...
Serious question, how much Morbid Angel have you listened to? Trey is definitely gung-ho about the Sumerian thing. In fact, if you ever read any interviews (and even some liner notes and thank yous) with Trey, his sole purpose of Morbid Angel is to use his body as a vessel for the Ancient Ones, as in Sumerian gods. Not all of their lyrics are based in Sumerian theology, but the grand scheme of the band is definitely one of complete devotion to them.

Oh one more thing, Kiss fucking SUCKS. Even when I was 5 and the even the really lame metal bands like Stryper were kinda cool, Kiss never was. :)
Hypocrisy: I own 2 of those Todd McFarlane dolls of Gene Simmons, but mostly for the badass looking basses. :lol:

His hair looks like a little girl from 1987 with a slight gay samurai influence.