New Vader song

Darek 'Daray' Brzozowski - Drums (Vesania (Pol), Neolithic, ex-Pyorrhoea, ex-Sunwheel)
how lazy and generic is that riff? in fact, its so bad theyve drowned it out with triggered to death blast beats. dull as fuck.
Kind of mediocre. I don't know what the hell the string thing was at the beginning.......I am kind of partial to Peter's vocals though, I've always really liked his sound. Not nearly as good as some older Vader songs.
Petey sounds as good, at least, as he did on "Litany"... the solo is kinda lame... the drums are too Anaal Nathrakh-ish... the beginning has some quite decent parts... ummm...

6.5 out of 10 (10 being "Silent Empire" and 0 being one of the filler songs from the last couple discs)