New Vader! (again)

DreamWorker said:
yes. he is a pussy...

My fathers friend told me that in school Peter was good student, quiet, without friends... blablabbla. i think everybody know what i mean.
he drink 2-3 beers and he is full.

but anyway... this guy is amazing.
you can talk about everything with Peter (but dont try to talk about II World War. he is obsessed with war, battles, tanks etc.) he have a HUGE World War collection (SS-man jackets, helmets, rings, bullets, photos...)

I recall reading in an interview that he doesn't like to be drunk, just a slight buzz.
Isn't everyone like that? I like to drink but I don't like to be totally drunk - doesn't stop me doing it admittedly....
It's hilarious that because Peter got drunk on 3 beers in high school, someone posts it on the internet fucking 20 years later as if it has any relevance. Didn't we all get drunk a lot easier when we were in school?
Stormwatch said:
Have Panzer-X actually released anything yet? I'm looking forward to hearing that, never realised it was Priest inspired stuff. :headbang:

I bought it from Empik in Krakow. Yeah, it's pretty good, tbh. It's got that Piotr thrash riffing thing going on, but with a whole JP / NWOBHM vibe thang. Only 5 tracks, but worth having.

Dies Irae are great too. I prefer the last couple of albums to Immolated, just because it has a bit more of its own indentity than Immolated did.