New Vision Divine album is quite excellent...

Michael TEOF

Master Whorebot
Mar 4, 2002
Schaumburg, IL
My latest CD haul was the best I've had in awhile... and among it, the best album is Vision Divine's The Perfect Machine. And if any band has one album that epitomizes the Prog Power sound, this is absolutely it.

I wasn't a big fan of Vision Divine's older albums (more an old-school Labyrinth fan), but I must admit that this is the best album by Olaf Thorsen yet (even better than Return to Heaven Denied).

The best way to describe it is a proggier more keyboard driven extension of Stream of Consciousness. There's still soaring vocals and cannoning double bass drums, the band just mixes it up with many tempos and vocal/instrumental sections. Oleg Smirnoff's influence is much stronger here. And is it just me or does the piano outro from "Here in 6048" sound like an old Eldritch song (perhaps from Headquake).

After hearing an album this amazing, I'm relieved Vision Divine are coming to Prog Power this year...

The other album I'd like to whore is the new Pyramaze album. I wasn't all that thrilled with the debut, but holy crap... this follow-up, The Legend of the Bone Carver, mastered the art of harmony. The music and Lance King's voice are more integral, whereas the debut sounded like the music and vocals were in two different worlds. The song on this website is quite good, but a better one (and my favorite) is "What Lies Beyond." If anyone wants to hear it let me know! The album has some heavy syncopated riffing intro then switches to harmonized guitars melding with Lance King's vocals perfectly for one of the best power metal songs ever. It simply has to be heard to be believed. Overall, it's not as consistant in quality as the new Vision Divine (2 songs out of 8 are kinda mediocre), but it's still an excellent release.

I won't bore you with the details of the rest of my haul... but I must say, this year's roster is sounding better and better. I'm only pissed that Thunderstone is going on before Vision Divine. I hadn't even heard of Thunderstone until Glenn posted about them. I piicked up the second album (the one most recommended) and felt the vocalist was great... but the songs tend to be a tad... well, doofy. Don't get me wrong, I love power metal... but it has to have some gimmic to hook me in like symphonics, big keyboards, lots of harmonies, folk/celtic influences, prog influences, etc. This just sounds very standard.

I've gotten into almost every band on the roster. Epica's debut stuff I don't care for (excellent premise but weak songs), but the second album is very different, reminds me of Kamelot with a great female vocalist. Freak Kitchen is amusing, but I could see it getting old pretty quick. Thunderstone is probably the one I like the least... no bands I flat out dislike though :)

Peace Out,
The Michael

Glenn is absolutely nuts for placing any Vision Divine album above The Perfect Machine. This blows Stream of Consciousness out of the water. Oleg Smirnoff's keyboards and Olaf's melodies gel perfectly. I also love the lyrics.

I think it may be my favorite album of all time... I can find nothing about it that isn't awesome. Words cannot describe how happy I am to see them live this year... I am shitting my pants in delight

The Michael
I don't know i'd go as far as best all-time, best from VD, definitely. The more I listen to this the more I like it. Really looking forward to them, plus seeing their DVD and how good Michelle sounds live really makes it more exciting. And big time fucking ditto on Pyramaze's new one. I also was just "eh" on the first cd, but the new one is unbelievable.
Try as I might, I've yet to really get into Vision Divine. I think in part, it may be the songer's accent. It may also be the sonng quality. I think the opening track on "The Perfect Machine" is superb, but nothing that follows it has really grabbed me after that. When all is said and done, I usually walk away feeling like they're a poor man's Symphony X. All of that said, I'll be interested to hear them live.

I think I'm going to spin this up this morning and give them another try to win me over.

General Zod said:
Try as I might, I've yet to really get into Vision Divine. I think in part, it may be the songer's accent. It may also be the sonng quality. I think the opening track on "The Perfect Machine" is superb, but nothing that follows it has really grabbed me after that. When all is said and done, I usually walk away feeling like they're a poor man's Symphony X. All of that said, I'll be interested to hear them live.

I think I'm going to spin this up this morning and give them another try to win me over.


I disagree with you. IMO, Michele's accent adds character to his voice. The guy can just flat out sing, that's all there is to it! A poor man's Symphony X? I don't get X out of Vision Divine at all! They're without a doubt a band who is very talented, as well as a lead vocalist who stands out in the genre. Hopefully, you'll change your mind about them after seeing them live. I really dig them, can't you tell? :)
edgeofthorns said:
IMO, Michele's accent adds character to his voice. The guy can just flat out sing, that's all there is to it!
Didn't say he couldn;t sing. I just don't care for the heavy accent.

edgeofthorns said:
A poor man's Symphony X? I don't get X out of Vision Divine at all! They're without a doubt a band who is very talented, as well as a lead vocalist who stands out in the genre.
See, my problem with them is, they don't stand out. They sound like so many bands following the path beaten down by SX. I wouldn't say they're an SX clone by any means, just that they're sound and musical direction is similar, especially to latter day SX.

edgeofthorns said:
Hopefully, you'll change your mind about them after seeing them live.
I'm about half way through this disc 9for about the 4th or 5th time), and I would say it's nearing the border of my "Buy List".

edgeofthorns said:
I disagree with you. IMO, Michele's accent adds character to his voice. The guy can just flat out sing, that's all there is to it! A poor man's Symphony X? I don't get X out of Vision Divine at all! They're without a doubt a band who is very talented, as well as a lead vocalist who stands out in the genre. Hopefully, you'll change your mind about them after seeing them live. I really dig them, can't you tell? :)

Yeah, I don't hear the Symphony X at all either. Naturally there is a bit of Labyrinth there and also a bit of Elegy circa the SUPREMACY era, at least that's what comes to mind for me.

I'd love to see that STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS DVD, I think that one has to be next on the buy list...
I like this new album a whole lot, but as a concept album, I like Stream of Consciousness better. Especially the ending of that album. Perfect. This new album's ending doesn't seem to wrap up the musical themes of the album.

But the individual songs are great. \m/
Mr. Zod is out of his mind for saying it doesn't stand out as anything special. There's more detail in that album than anything I've heard in a long time. The keyboards and two guitars are all doing more than just plodding a rhythm section and the vocal melodies are varied and powerful melding right with the music. You often hear four different things going on at the same time... the tempos change, time signatures change... and it's all so fluid and seemless. The album is just straight up genius.

What I consider standard fair that doesn't stand out is when you hear a straight power chord rhythm with a few keyboard chords for accent underneath the kind of vocals that ring with one note at a time.
The music is a lot more progressive than traditional power metal. And the keyboards play a much stronger role, reminding of early Eldritch.

And as a fan of Symphony X since 1998, I can tell you this sounds nothing like them. That's a flat out ridiculous comparison. There's an instrumental section on "Ancestors' Blood" that sounds a lot like Enchant and a keyboard outro on "Here in 6048" that sounds a lot like early Eldritch. And much of the album sounds a lot like Labyrinth (obviously), The keyboard and guitar style is just completely different. Symphony X pounds with heavy riffs, whereas Vision Divine is a lot more vocal oriented. The way the melodies meld with the music is so elegant and refined. I have supreme respect for this band's ability to arrange a song.

The Michael
VD is great. The last two albums are great imho. Stream of Consciousness is slightly better than the Perfect machine. SLIGHTLY. Both great albums.
Michael TEOF said:
Mr. Zod is out of his mind for saying it doesn't stand out as anything special. There's more detail in that album than anything I've heard in a long time. The keyboards and two guitars are all doing more than just plodding a rhythm section and the vocal melodies are varied and powerful melding right with the music. You often hear four different things going on at the same time... the tempos change, time signatures change... and it's all so fluid and seemless. The album is just straight up genius.

What I consider standard fair that doesn't stand out is when you hear a straight power chord rhythm with a few keyboard chords for accent underneath the kind of vocals that ring with one note at a time.
The music is a lot more progressive than traditional power metal. And the keyboards play a much stronger role, reminding of early Eldritch.

And as a fan of Symphony X since 1998, I can tell you this sounds nothing like them. That's a flat out ridiculous comparison. There's an instrumental section on "Ancestors' Blood" that sounds a lot like Enchant and a keyboard outro on "Here in 6048" that sounds a lot like early Eldritch. And much of the album sounds a lot like Labyrinth (obviously), The keyboard and guitar style is just completely different. Symphony X pounds with heavy riffs, whereas Vision Divine is a lot more vocal oriented. The way the melodies meld with the music is so elegant and refined. I have supreme respect for this band's ability to arrange a song.

The Michael

I totally agree with you also.
Michael TEOF said:
Mr. Zod is out of his mind for saying it doesn't stand out as anything special.
LOL. You're hardly the first person to say that.

Michael TEOF said:
What I consider standard fair that doesn't stand out is when you hear a straight power chord rhythm with a few keyboard chords...
I think you missed what I was saying. My problem with them isn't the detail they put into their music or the quality of their musicianship. My problem is with the song quality. I think it's average.

Michael TEOF said:
And as a fan of Symphony X since 1998...
I wasn't aware that you needed tenure to have an opinion.:loco:

Michael TEOF said:
...I can tell you this sounds nothing like them. That's a flat out ridiculous comparison.
Again, opinions vary. As I said, I don't think they're a clone, by any means (which I stated previously). However, if I was going to describe Vision Divine to someone who had never heard them, SX is definitely a band I'd use as a reference point. Both bands write music that is a blend of Prog and Power Metal, with an underlying Rock influence. Both bands prominantly feature strong, melodic vocals up front in the mix. The main songwriter in both bands lists Yngwie as a primary influence and both vocalist list Glenn Hughes as an influence. Look, comparing the two is hardly a stretch. I think you'll find very few Vision Divine fans who aren't already SX fans. Case in point... you.
