
Sep 18, 2006
Los Angeles
I know, some of you are probably thinking, whatever but Blackie has been consistent in putting out new music and this one sure to entertain. Even though WASP now just has Blackie in it, the musicians he has chosen, still rock. Blackie is still true to the METAL. :headbang: :Shedevil:
WASP albums are so varied, although that's not a bad thing. My favorites are WASP, The Crimson Idol, and KFD, which are all very different from each other. What past albums does this one compare to?
Solid. It's paint-by-numbers WASP. Sounds similar to "The Last Command" era, without as much edginess and without any truly exceptional tracks.


Thanks. Sounds like an eventual purchase, but it's going on the back burner for a while.
I couldn't disagree with you more. "Heaven's Hung in Black" is an absolute monster. The story/lyrics alone are enough to elevate it to one of Blackie's best and that includes vocal performance as well.
I agree, it's a powerful song.

To be more specific, when I say it doesn't have any "exceptional tracks", I mean it doesn't have any WASP classics. When I think of WASP classics, I think of heavy hitters like L.O.V.E. Machine, School Daze, Wild Child, Headless Children, etc., not power ballads.

I stand by my original statement... solid disc. Even if I concede "Heaven's Hung in Black" is "exceptional", I still wouldn't rate the disc as more than "solid" . For my money, a disc needs a few "exceptional" tracks to rise above "solid".

That said, feel free to have these guys headline ProgPower some year. Wildcard headliner... why not?

I"exceptional" tracks to rise above "solid".

That said, feel free to have these guys headline ProgPower some year. Wildcard headliner... why not?


Blackie is an absolute megalomaniac. I couldn't put up with his shit for more than 5 minutes backstage.

I agree with you about the overall ranking of the disc.
WASP story...

I know there are a TON of these, but here's mine: Two years ago my band Brazen Angel was opening for WASP here at the Cotton Club in Atlanta. We had to SIGN a piece of paper (I wouldn't even really call it a contract) that said "...and members of opening band BRAZEN ANGEL will make no attempt to solicit autographs, interviews, or photo opportunities from Blackie Lawless or the other members of WASP prior to their going onstage. Further more, BRAZEN ANGEL agrees to clear the backstage area immediately after performance, this includes the dressing room area and backstage." The manager went on to tell me that we shouldn't even try to talk to Blackie!!!!

For those who remember, this was the show where Blackie complained ALL THROUGH the set about the monitor levels and threatened twice to stop playing. Ridiculous.

Despite all that my bass player still likes the new album alot....and it is better than the new Ozzy.