Anyone going to the WASP / WARMACHINE shows?


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Considering going to the Thursday show in sunny Lincolnshire, IL (PRobably one of the last places on earth I would expect to see a WASP show!)

For the Chicago folks, if you haven't been there, the Cubby Bear north is actually a really nice place. I have never seen a show there, but have been there for various work functions.

I have heard more positive things about WASP live in the past few years. Looks like Blackie has gotten more reliable in terms of putting on a good show or actually even showing up!
I'll be at the Foxboro MA show. I gotta see WASP even if it's just once! I haven't been to this venue they're playing at here yet.

I'm listening to Still Not Black Enough right now.
I'll be at the Cubby Bear show...of course. I haven't missed a WASP show in 7 years.
Too bad they are playing such a crap venue. Like you said, Jason, it's one of the last places I'd expect to see WASP.
The most memorable venue I've seen WASP at was some dive in Indiana in the middle of a cornfield. The stage set up reminded me of NiteCap if anyone knows what I am talking about. (Very small stage with about four feet of standing room in front of the stage). I was the only chick within a 20 foot radius. Awesome.

Anyway, yeah, I'll be there for sure. Doors are at 8pm, so I'll try to get there by then.

I'm trying to find the setlist from the Cali shows this past weekend.
WASP are still awesome live, folks. This show isn't coming to the South to my knowledge, so I probably won't make it. But I saw WASP back in '04 in Florida, and they smoked. So it'll be worth it. Warmachine is just a plus.
I'll be at the show at Allentown's Croc Rock. One of my least favorite venues ever, but it's about 10 minutes from my house and tickets are just $12.50, can't pass it up.

The show at the Starland Ballroom in February '08 where they did the entire Crimson Idol album was absolutely godly. Probably one of my favorite shows I've ever been to.
i might be at the Santa Clara Show, never seen WASP, but sucks its on a wednesday. Does he still play anything off Headless Children or Crimson Idol?
I've got a very functional guest room; come to the NJ show. :kickass:


I wish when people made these topics they would include the tour calendar for dorks like me who are either too lazy to look them up, or have forgotten them. So...when is the Jersey date? Art Center, Izod or.... ?
Not going, it's bowling night. :)

Cubby Bear North is just down the street from my old apartment. Weird that they'd get booked there instead of Austin's though.