New Waves CLA Video - Compression plug-ins demo

Cool video. Anyone notice the automation on the LA-3A input for the acoustic guitars going into the chorus. Kinda of a cool idea to bring them to the front a bit without a massive gain change. Gonna try that one.

Also, I think I hear some Slate in there. :)
Have to say, "all buttons" on the 1176 with the input gain up on a drum room mic sounds even better to me here than it does on the UAD-1 emulation. Waves has officially rendered UAD obsolete in my opinion. Thanks for the link!
like i said before. if it wasnt for the 1073, and the fact i cant afford it right now, i wouldve already bought these. and dumped the UAD
They sound GREAT
the 1176 is way more realistic than the UAD
Anybody ripped this video yet? Would be cool to be able to save it to the harddrive just to have it in case it's ever taken down from the Waves site.
Nice, he doesn't use am much compression as I thought. Certainly not over-compressed. Sounded great. I know If I had the money these would be a definite purchase.
@Dave: I've noticed CLA tends to automate compressors a lot. On 'The Diary of Jane' you will hear him really back off the snare during verses then clamp down on the choruses. He's all about the movement.

@Kazrog: If you dig what the 1176 plug does on rooms, try Stillwell's Rocket. That thing absolutely demolishes them (in the best way possible). It's my temp solution till I fork out for these!

@Headcrusher: +1 Anyone have a way to rip this vid?
To rip it. Open in safari, let the video play. Press alt+apple+A.

A list of active process will pop up. Find the one that is 130 odd meg in size then double click. Then your video will start downloading. Easy. Works on youtube and a whole host of other web videos.
Nice, he doesn't use am much compression as I thought. Certainly not over-compressed. Sounded great. I know If I had the money these would be a definite purchase.

:zombie:are you kidding? lol, how much did you think he used then? he's pulling quite a few db in each example.

it's quite a lot of compression actually, even if every example were 2:1, just in reference to GR alone. but yes, it sounds great ;).
Yea its slammed on the meter. Thats for sure! :) But If I close my eyes it doesn't sound overly compressed. Just the right amount for me. Controls the dynamics and makes it come alive without crushing all the life out of it.

James do you have any experience working with Chris? Would be great if you have any stories to tell :)
It definitely both looks and sounds like a lot of compression! I think half the idea is about how it controls the tracks in the mix, but obviously when solo'd you can quite clearly hear sucking. Who knows whether those were actually dialed for the final mix though? CLA's mentioned that he still uses the outboard and not the plug-ins, so it seems like his settings here would be somewhat irrelevant one way or the other (unless the Waves guys matched the gain stages of the units perfectly).
To rip it. Open in safari, let the video play. Press alt+apple+A.

A list of active process will pop up. Find the one that is 130 odd meg in size then double click. Then your video will start downloading. Easy. Works on youtube and a whole host of other web videos.
Is someone on a Mac/with Safari willing to do that? Safari craps out on me on my PC all the time. :erk:
I doubt I'm going to buy those plugins, at least not for many years, but listening to the drum sounds was awesome. Don't think I've ever got to hear 'pro-level' drums like that before, each mic, etc. Was surprised at how much drum was in the OHs (although it is rock, not metal).

I have a LONG way to go with my sounds >< Goddamn my room.