New Waves CLA Video - Compression plug-ins demo

It's interesting to see that whenever he's using the 1176's, his ratio is at 4:1 w/the attack relatively slow (not sure how much merit that has considering it's modeling an ultra fast 1176, haha) and a fast release. I think the only exception was one of the drum tracks.

Sounds like the amount of compression I'd expect to hear from CLA and it sounds great!

I'm totally gas'ing for these plugs! I've wanted a good 1176 and la-2a style compressor for SO long (and do not want to go UAD at the mo).

Oh, and the automation on the acoustic gtrs is actually Chris (or his assistant) just turning up the input level w/the mouse. You can see the mouse pointer move up to it and then disappear as whoever turns it. =D

Thx for the vid Ermz!
Yeah I've noticed the low ratios from his SSL E-channel presets. It's always around 2:1 to 4:1. Never anything extreme it seems.

The 'slowest' attack time on a traditional 1176 is 800 microseconds (less than 1 millisecond) so all you really get by tweaking it is how much initial 'pop' you get. It's not even a significant part of the transient, but rather just a present 'POP' type sound. That's one thing that's always got me about using 1176s, the attacks never seem to sit anywhere that I'd be setting them to on more versatile comps, haha. I also wonder, how do you use these on drums without sucking away all the transients? I mean 800 microseconds is so not enough to get extra 'thwack' on your snare. How does CLA get away with using so many on drums?

But yeah, I'm seriously considering this pack. Inquired about price just now...
:zombie:are you kidding? lol, how much did you think he used then? he's pulling quite a few db in each example.

it's quite a lot of compression actually, even if every example were 2:1, just in reference to GR alone. but yes, it sounds great ;).

Yes James he uses a lot of compression (taking a lot of db's out) but it doesn't sound like those stupid plugins which destroy a track at those insane settings lol.
That track sounds amazing and not over-compressed, it's almost natural sounding.
I love the fact that those plugs do justice to crunchy guitars and yes they do sound way warmer and full.
I gotta trythis stuff out!
Argh!!! At this rate its going to take 6 hours 37 minutes to download the full video.

Nevermind, just saw the getdropbox link and that one is downloading very fast.