New website

Apr 22, 2003
Ok, I've now published a beta beta version of the site. I usually don't do this but a lot of people have asked me to so.

But I need Your opinions and comments

First of all, the site is designed for 1024 or higher resolution. I have a resolution of 1152 and I know that many use 1024. If I would to the site in 800*600 it would look quite small in higher resolutions.

I know that I'm shutting out the people with a lower resolution and this is choice I must make.

I can make a 800*600 veriosn of the site but it will take some time and most of all, a f###ing amount of work. :yuk:

So the question is, would You like a 800*600 version aswell?

Any comments about the site, both good and bad can be mailed to me. Remeber that this is a beta beta version so all the pages might not work and their might be some bugs in the code. or

If I have used copyrighted material that the owner dislikes of please mail me.

Nice site! I like it...just curious instead of having it pop up in a new window, just have it open when you click on the intro. you can then just center it on the screen...personally stick with 1024 but if you can take it down to 800 without much of a coding mess go for it! :)

Really good stuff and nice layout!
Yes, I'm aware of all the misstakes :)

The plan was to fixed them and the rest of the site during the weekend but a friend called and said that he had fixed a gig for us so I was out playing music instead...

I will work with this all week and hopefully have a finished site in 5-6 days.

Just send me a mail or post a reply if there's something else!