New (weird) Opeth Interview

Great shirt Mike !!

Man...who forces Mike to do all these interviews.
I'm shocked Mike is not a fan of Limp Bizkit !
Lol, well if you go to a Mexican restaurant you will get a variety of Mexican that sense I guess its limited. And why would you throw a brick at a panda? What did it ever do? lol I liked how they had a picture of the panda.
haha obviously an off the cuff mess around interview, im sure mikael wouldnt have been expecting deep thought provoking questions from that dude and the guy just wanted to make something a little entertaining.
You guys need to lighten up.

How many times do you need to watch/read an interview that starts with:

"Coil is very different because...."

"So there are blast beats in Lotus...."

I'm sure bands that get interviewed frequently love this type of interview every once in a while.