New Woods of Ypres song online (for those who are interested)

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.
We're back to the cold stuff...


You can listen to a new song called "The Northern Cold" at

The new album will be out in Winter/Spring 2007.

Thanks for your time! (Sorry for the self promo / spam). :)
Dave, we had a thread about this a few days ago.

A lot of people like the new song, and I'm one of them. Good work, and it was good to see you at Katatonia!

I think this album is going to be a serious step up from Pursuit of the Sun and Allure of the Earth. The recording sounds a lot better even in its unfinished form, and I like the vocals!
arg, i'm of the opposite opinion. i had just heard Pursuit all the way through then listened to the new track 3 times and eh, it's just not doing anything for me. It's ok, but nothing more than that. It might be the raw verion of it but i don't think it'll change my opinion much unless it fits better within the context of the whole album. Sorry David :( I really wanted to like it...
Carbonized - Sorry David I really wanted to like it...
That's totally cool, man. I feel that we've heard it all by now. There are songs of lots of different styles on this album (15 songs total!), so hopefully you'll dig some of the rest of them. Thanks for listening anyway! There will be another new song posted later this week. :)
15? Damn, that's nice and i planned on buying it anyway since i'm sure i will like the majority of it anyway plus it's hard to judge an album from only one song. Good luck and can't wait to hear more.
From what I've heard thus far, this is pretty fucking staggering.

Sounds like they just threw away the "how to write a heavy metal song" book and just focused on writing songs.
Thanks for the comments guys! These last three years while doing this album have been a fucking living nightmare.

Pre-orders ship out this week (!!!) and copies will be well stocked at The End Records, retail CD stores in Canada and available via direct mail order from the band, as always, in January. I'll keep you posted!

P.S. - There is mention of the RC board in the liner notes. :)