New Woods of Ypres song online (for those who are interested)

I bet you've learned something (again) about making promises concerning release dates

Thanks for posting your comment. However, I will correct you: I never made any promises with the release date of this album or the previous one. When we know we are at the mercy of 100's of variables when trying to complete our recordings, we're smarter than to EVER set a date in stone. We don't promise anything of that kind because there are always delays. I always said it will come out when it comes out, when it's ready. Now it is.
when was my hair almost on fire?

and you had big macs without me you son of a bitch!?

cheers to luanne (sp?) for driving us around in that hellish weather!
i fucking lost that joint (after jerry FAILED to light it for me) and i'm still bitter over it

i can't believe i didn't call in sick to my shitty part time grocery store job and go to HC with you
Wow, I'm listening to this and loving all the songs I didn't particularly care for when downloading the samples etc. earlier!
Good work Dave!