New Year

I'm staying in and working on a certain bands fan club :headbang:
Oh yeah I almost forgot....I also intend getting totally rat arsed :loco:

Happy New Year Power Quest and Everyone Else Here On The Board!

Raven :wave:
I had a quiet bash at mine, then popped over to the local, then saw the night through with a quiet bash at a mate's house. Looks like this was another quiet New Years all across the board :erk: I flat-out refused to go down any of the chain pubs or clubs again. I find the idea of spending a New Years at those places horrifically sad.
Happy new year dudes, and all the best...

Sorry for the time but I wasn't able to post something because of some difficulties with my Internet connexion !

I plan to go to some metal fests, buy many CDs etc.... having fun & sex...

Rock on dudes !