New Years Eve


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Well it's "out with the old and in with the new" come midnight Saturday.....anyone got any plans for celebrating this?

My "Scrooge" tendencies come out in force even more at New Year than at Christmas I'm I will be keeping a fairly low profile I would anticipate! lol!
I'm surprised to hear that from you Steve! I thought you'd be all about the New Year, looking forward to what the future holds and all that?

I have a friend in Sheffield who always gets loads of people round his for a House Party on New Years' and this year is no exception so I'll be attending that once again.

I also have a New Year's Resolution of sorts. Well, it's more like a since August Resolution, but using the arrival of the New Year as a reminder.

Save Money. I'm still really enjoying my Job but it's still only temporary on a week to week basis with an Agency and you never know what's round the corner. Want to be as best prepared for the worst as possible. "Prepare for the worst, hope for the best" as they say!
I'm very much like Steve, I never do anything big on New Year's. That's a good resolution Kingface! My only resolutions -- the only ones I've ever seriously considered following through with -- are to eliminate soda entirely from my diet and give myself one cheat day each week to eat like crap, since I go to the gym 4 days out of the week. I figure if I'm going to be realistic I'll allow myself to have a soda on those cheat days but the goal is by year's end to not have the urge to head for a soda at all! And save money. ;)

Today I'm making a 7 hour drive down to Missouri to spend New Year's with Laura and her family. I think we're going to a small New Year's Party, but that's about it. See you guys on Tuesday, have a great start to the new year! :D
I'm very much like Steve, I never do anything big on New Year's. That's a good resolution Kingface! My only resolutions -- the only ones I've ever seriously considered following through with -- are to eliminate soda entirely from my diet and give myself one cheat day each week to eat like crap, since I go to the gym 4 days out of the week. I figure if I'm going to be realistic I'll allow myself to have a soda on those cheat days but the goal is by year's end to not have the urge to head for a soda at all! And save money. ;)

Today I'm making a 7 hour drive down to Missouri to spend New Year's with Laura and her family. I think we're going to a small New Year's Party, but that's about it. See you guys on Tuesday, have a great start to the new year! :D

I should probably take up the Soda idea too! I drink way too much Coca-Cola and Pepsi and could do with sorting it out.

And indeed, Happy New Year to all!
Got no major plans for the night, other than quiet night in playing games or watching a film

Also never make any resolutions, they only seem to be there to break for most people. Despite having a temp job, bank account isn't looking too bad at the moment (although will need to find something permanent) and I've also lost over a stone in the last half of this year (maybe increase exercise, as that's mainly been achieved through food reduction)
I'm going to a 'party' thrown by a rather new acquaintance, a guy who's a friend of a girl I already know and sort of hang out with. I'm getting old, however, so I'm already starting to worry about what can go wrong in terms of transport, drinking, people getting drunk and throwing fits etc. *sighs*
I'm usually not celebrating new year, but anyway, now it's officially 2012 here, so happy new year everyone!!!
I'm going to a 'party' thrown by a rather new acquaintance, a guy who's a friend of a girl I already know and sort of hang out with. I'm getting old, however, so I'm already starting to worry about what can go wrong in terms of transport, drinking, people getting drunk and throwing fits etc. *sighs*

I know that feeling all too well dude! lol!

Hope everyone had a good New let's get on with the business at hand:headbang:
Happy Belated New year to everyone reading. Hope yours is a prosperous and above all happy 2012!

Resolutions are made to be broken, nevertheless:

- lose weight (like, half of it ideally :) )
- get a job back in Blighty
- learn/read more (graduate grey matter is getting a bit soft)
- see more of the world
- get better at guitar
New year was great. Spent with 2 Norwegian friends who flew in specially for my 21st on the 30th as well as my brother. Had a great night drinking and listening to music in my flat - we spent barely any money by not going out and I'd rank it as possibly the best New Year's Eve ever!