new year's resolution


Jun 8, 2010
does anyone have any?

last year i commited to not using any fowl language. haven't spoke or typed not one of the 7 words... for 11 months. but alas i am back to my old ways (however, you'll never catch me on here using bad language).

this coming year, i am working on my diet. i will be cutting all red meat, carbs, sugars and dairy. it will consist of mainly organic foods, protein and fresh fruits and vegetables. it's gonna be a bastard diet but i am confident in my ability to challenge myself.

another "resolution" i have is to get more tattoos. i have always had the money but never the time. by the end of 2012 i will be sleeved. ;)

there are a bunch of other little things i would like to improve on... like becoming a better listener and less skeptical but considering the world we live in i just believe it to be a good defense mechanism.

alright gents... let's hear'em! :)
My new years resolution is to lose weight for sure. I'm even in a health program at work starting Jan 1st. It's like the Biggest Loser, in the sense that the team that loses the most percentage wins.

I wish everyone luck in completing their new years resolutions.
Mine last year was to quit drinking soda, or pretty much anything with caffeine. And I was successful! This year my goal is to complete 40 college hours (16 fall, 6 summer and 18 spring.) then I will finally be done with my godforsaken basics >.<

Oh and to control my horrible spending habits. I've had a full time job for 5 years and managed to save a whole $2000 -.-
Next year I am going to try my hardest not to record anymore bands (unless it's for a good cause) and really follow my dreams. Achievable? We shall find out :)