your top highlights from 2007, and your new years resolution!


Juke Box Hero
Sep 18, 2006
well everyone likes talking about themselves a little bit here and there

share with us your top 2 highlights from 2007 and your new years resolution. i made 2 choices cause i know so many people will pick prog power haha!

my top 2 highlights
1. prog power (dont wanna be cliche but cant deny it)
2. graduating high school, not the accomplishment part, the im fucking glad that shits over part

and my new years resolution:

no more mexican food, since ive taken physical fitness seriously here lately, ill make no more trips to this local mexican place which has killer food, but of course isnt the healthiest of choices. saves myself some money too.

also anything else you would like to add about 2007 and your wishes for 2008 share em here! please dont spam headliner wishes for prog power though, there are quite enough threads for that one.

happy new years everyone, hope your 07 was as good or better than my own.
hmm highlights...highlights.
1) phillies come back, and being at all of the last 10 games.
2) SX show in philly. first time theyve came even though they are right across the river in NJ- also showed me echoes of eternity and sanctity which ruled.
3) won my baseball season championship
4) gettin my permit accomplish you're 2nd highlight. lol.
have our debut album completed.
help someone with something they would not have been otherwise
1) A memorable 2-day stay in Miami during Spring Break :headbang:
2) Graduating college and finding a job that puts my degree to use, allowing me to fund my guitar habit :saint:


1) Stop getting the usual "coke and food" combo from the gas station on the way to work each morning (and evening)

2) Put my foot down and tell my band that I don't want to learn anymore shitty music (or severely limit the rate of such new songs) so I can focus my guitar-time on furthering my guitar skills/techniques -- I mean, c'mon, we got 35 songs in the bank ... gimme a break!

1. My wife graduating college with a degree in Clinical Lab Science, and passing her National accrediation Exam.

2. My Daughter Angyl's wedding.

3. My daughter Rachel receeiving her Black Belt in Kung-Fu.


1. Retire

2. Retire

3. Take my wife on a Scandinavian cruise.

- getting back into college

- passing my first semester of college in 2 years with flying colors


- get fucking laid (seriously its been a while)

- get this local music promotion shit started

- graduate college
1) Flying around the country to build flight time. That was a blast.
2) Working out 6 days a week for 3 months straight to get in shape. To bad I let myself slide back to my old state. :(
3) ProgPower - it was the best yet.

Things I'm looking forward to:
1) Getting a job.
I posted this on another mailing list...

Best of 2007

Moving to Raleigh
Having a .5 Acre yard
Having a great house...
Having real friends online who are there when the shit hits the fan
TACFUG (Far more active than DC or MD CFUG's and not just a monthly advertisement for the hosting company)
Callie, our Cavalier King Charles
Another year with my wife, whom I love dearly.
New contract, back in government contracting, complete with raise.
The hope that some of my boys will make the decision to move down here.
Seeing my best friend, his wife and their gorgeous little girl at Christmas.

Worst of 2007

My father, slowly dying in front of my eyes, and the strain that puts on my family.
Realizing that some people are so paranoid, that they perceive anyone new on the job as a threat.
Breaking my record for shortest time on a job, two weeks... it's not even on my resume. (See above)
Having to put off moving to Raleigh until the end of July because of 2 and 3
Having my APA contract yanked at the 11th Hour.
Spending over $3000 to get my old condo ready to sell, and wrecking my credit in the process.
Progress my blog

Hope for 2008

A breakthrough in Althzheimer's research or...
My father passing away, peacefully and quietly, like his father did.
My brother and sister will work out there differences.
Someone in Raleigh government will realize that you need to pick up trash more than once a week.
We're getting a new federal government, I hope we get one that remembers that we have a Constitution and Bill of Rights, and has actually read them.
That we clean up the mess in Iraq that we created and bring our forces home.
That none of my friends, or family that are in the military, have to go into harm's way.
That people will realize that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are the same religion at the core, and quit fighting about it. Religion is the singly stupidest thing to fight about.
That every user of .NET, PHP, JAVA, JSP will realize that ColdFusion just rules all, and will switch, thus creating the empire that we've all dreamed of.

- Spending two weeks in Hawai'i with my wife
- Making new friends, and spending time with my old friends
- Spending a week in Napa CA, and in particular the winery tour and dinner on Saturday.
- Going to Reno, NV to see Heaven & Hell
- Lars, John, Nick & Matt recording Fool's Game
- Finishing the Superchrist and Pharaoh albums

Looking forward to in '08:

- Finishing the Fool's Game album
- Playing the Keep It True festival in Germany
- Our first litter of puppies (possibly)
Highlights from 2007
1. Music. This was an incredible year for me and I've grown a lot both as far as my tastes and my ability as a musician.
2. Moving (a few times). Been out of the (parent's) house for over a year now...completely without a safety net. This is actually the second time but the first where I'm not living like a pauper.
3. Work. I landed a sweet gig where I got a lot of experience and made a lot of money.
4. Getting fired. Seriously. After 11 months, I couldn't stand the job anymore. I made some good decisions along the way and am now quite comfortably unemployed and can remain that way for several more months if I like.
5. Happiness. Generally this year was pretty great. Far better than the one before and several before that. I can say that I am much more comfortable being who I am.

Highlights of 2008
1. Health. I've really let myself go the past two years. This year I am going to get my physical health back in order to catch up with my mental and emotional health.
2. Music. I'm going to get even better. There's absolutely no reason not to.
3. Work. This time I'm going to go out and do something that I enjoy. I don't even care about how much it pays...I'll adjust my lifestyle accordingly.
4. Education. I'm going to give it my best shot to get back in school. Finland looks promising.
5. Relationships. Beyond the whole 'getting laid' thing. I'd like to start meeting people I actually find interesting. No more of this bars & clubs bullshit.
6. Travel. I'm going to take vacations as much as possible and go to as many music festivals as I possibly can this year...if the lineups are good.

1. Switching my major from Business to Political Science/International Relations... I am finally enjoying what I am studying.

2. The concerts I attended! It was easily the best concert "season" in my life, even though I had to travel a LOT to see them... lol But the 2 most memorable concerts I've ever attended were in 2007. Anneke's last gig with the Gathering in Finland and the Gathering's show in Santiago de Chile, where they recorded their DVD... I met some great people on those trips:)


1. Do as many credits as possible... lol I am fucking tired of my university, 5 years is enough (and I don't think I will graduate this year)...

2. Work less, dedicate more time to school... At this moment I am a worker who goes to school.. I want to be a student who works to pay for school... That will mean less CDs, less trips around the world... but that's alright.
1. Going back to church
2. Having someone to love who loves me back
3. Texas Madfest
4. Quit drinking
5. Quit smoking
6. ProgPower USA
7. MindFlow - all the time we spent together and the BBQ at my house!
8. Getting my life back in order after getting duped by the Mustang Agency.
9. Getting an awesome new laptop!
10.Learning Portuguese at an alarming rate :cool:
11.Prymary - you guys are great! 'nuff said!
12.Watching Dream Theater from side-stage and hanging out with Redemption in Dallas.
13.Spending time with Gus G & Petros from Firewind, Zakk Stevens, & Damien Wilson.

1. Find a better job, one that I can call a career.
2. Massively overhaul my car or get a new one.
3. Get my passport
4. Go to Brazil for.. well.. you know :)
5. Live in one place for longer than 5 months and still be happy.
6. Lose a few more pounds or at least get toned and stronger.
7. Talk to my great-grandma more.
8. Become proficient in Portuguese and continue working on Norwegian and Esperanto.
9. Resolve my student loan debacle.
10. Visit my parents in Michigan.

How do I plan to accomplish these? ...most of these can be checked off if I just move to Brazil in 2008. I pretty much have a guaranteed job and a whole new life waiting for me if I choose it. It's looking better every day. :lol: My student loans are something I have to get serious about and resolve it before they come take me away. My car.. eh.. I really need to save for repairs because I don't think I can get a new one just yet.. I own this one so I think fixing it is a better option. I finally got my great-grandma's address so I can write to her and send her gifts. :cool:

1. My wife graduating college with a degree in Clinical Lab Science, and passing her National accrediation Exam.

2. My Daughter Angyl's wedding.

3. My daughter Rachel receeiving her Balck Belt in Kung-Fu.


1. Retire

2. Retire

3. Take my wife on a Scandinavian cruise.

Just curious, Belts are only given out in Karate, I believe Sash's are given out in Kung Fu? Maybe she is taking Karate?

Congrats on a great year non the less

Ya know I am pretty private for the most part but what the hell its a new year and I am not hung up on things anymore....

2007 was one of the worst and best years of my life. I gave up drinking for good (hopefully) and every day that I remain sober I see how much of a difference it is making in my life. Not much for resolutions. One thing I am really trying to do is make sure I recycle as much as I can, we are really tearing this world up and every little thing that I can do I will...

One great thing about 2008 , its Bush's last year and I am so freaking glad of that.....

Highlights for 2007:
3 weeks in Scandinavia and training with Team Gracie Barra in Denmark
Having a Threshold song dedicated to me at PPUSA (I have never had a song dedicated to me, period.)

Goals for next year:
Move to CA
Reduce relationship drama to 0 (even if that means being single again)
Add a World title to my Jiu Jitsu resume
Get back to some sort of Emotional homeostasis

1. My Daughter......It's all about her.......nuff said.
2. My personal business has survived it’s first full year and proves to hold strong in 08!
3. Meeting Ray Alder at ProgPower.
4. ProgPower

Resolutions ? Dont really have any.............
Updated - I keep reading everyone else's posts that are reminding me of other things I've promised myself I'd do this year.

Finally getting to see Doro live (at Jaxx).

Flight of the Valkyries - Being a part of what I'm fairly certain is the first and only all female-fronted metal fest in the US was a huge deal for me this year. The fact that my metal goddess, Doro, headlined just made it that much better. Thanks to the SwordLord for letting me work with him on this.

Meeting and having dinner with Doro Pesch, Chris Caffery and crew at FotV. (This one is so cool it has to get it's own line)

Minnesota and all it's glory - including new friends made (Nathan, Lori, Don, etc.) and all the beautiful sites and fun things to see and do (Minnesota RennFest was awesome!) Nick and I are now trying to figure out how soon we can move to St. Paul. :headbang:

ProgPower - The All-Star Jam, Primal Fear, Threshold, Pagan's Mind, After Forever, Cellador, the list goes on; Band members passing out on our hotel room floor; band memebers cramming into our hotel room 'cause that's where it's at; the many new great friends we made and getting to see old friends; Nathan letting me hold the bar for After Forever and the All-Star Jam. :headbang:

To get as many asses as possible into Station 4 this summer for the 2008 Flight of the Valkyries festival.

To finally get our basement apartment cleaned up/out and sell some of that shit on e-bay. :heh:

To get a new job doing marketing for companies (or better yet bands) that I actually give two shits about. :rolleyes:

To get out of debt and start saving more - Student loans should be paid off by March at the latest :kickass: (I'm shooting for February). Then I have probably another $9,000 in credit card debt that I want to pay off. It may not all happen this year, but if I could get rid of a big chunk of that debt I'd be happy.

Oh, and how could I forget - For Nick and I to actually get an album written, recorded and finalized to send off to a few place. Finding a few additional band members to work with us wouldn't be bad either.
2007 was one of the worst and best years of my life. I gave up drinking for good (hopefully) and every day that I remain sober I see how much of a difference it is making in my life.

Good for you Bear! The best gift you can ever give to yourself is making a commitment for the better. Trust me, my daughter's father is an alcoholic (to be honest, he's probably been drinking for the better half of his life now being that he started at 13-14 and will be turning 40 in the spring). What he has lost during that time is our daughter (whose 16) and doesn't want anything to do with him. Alienated himself from his family (they can't tolerate his behavior either) and basically has drunk himself to the point of crazy (after what he pulled on us this past holiday is possibly moving toward a restraining order against him).

Don't be one of those types of people Bear, you are worth so much more than that. There will be struggles, but never give up on yourself!