Hey, Mr. Angra, guess what? When I first heard Angra I hated them. Now they're one of my favorites. Wanna tell me my approach of taking music for what it is, not measuring one band up against another completely different band, and not placing my expectations up against an artist's work didn't work there?
You really don't get it. It's not about your approach for taking music for what it is. It's about your approach as a music reviewer. You have zero credibility, and I'll repeat... it's because of people like you that lots of the people in the business aren't respected anymore. You admitted that you do it because you like the free shit and wants to keep that coming... sorry, but that's not very commendable.
Again, for the people who do it seriously, what you do is bothersome.
And personally, I could care less whether or not you like Angra.