Help with ProgMetal...

As far as the new Zero Hour disc, now titled A Fragile Mind, it has been recorded and is due to be mastered shortly. We will be announcing a street date in the near future.
Ascension said:
Basically, Fates Warning & Queensryche gave this genre it's start.
Don't short change Crimson Glory here. Many regard 'Transcendence' as one of the finest Prog-Metal albums included.
ashaman7122 said:
This got my attention...never heard of this band...can anyone tell me more?

Rock on!

Here is their website:

There are some sound clips on their site. They are a Norwegian band and like the many other prog/power Norwegian bands (Spiral Architect, Conception, Pagan's Mind, ect.) very talented. They have both a definite Keeper's era Helloween sound and a prog sound. Like Keeper's era Helloween, their singer can reach some really high notes but yet stay under control.
Joe-× said:
When I see your big ass picture clogging up this thread it makes me think of Rainbow, Cloudscape, and Running Wild. :tickled:


A rainbow in Pittsburgh is definitely a rarity - not because of a lack of rain but rather a lack of sun. At first I thought this picture was an artist's depiction of PNC Park (which I have only been to once - I can't sit still that long).