A little help from the experts?

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I actually have only recently started making lists of everything I've listened to in the Prog and Metal categories for each year on RYM. First and foremost, I'd like to recommend checking out Seventh Wonder. But other than that, feel free to check out some of my lists from the last 5 years:

Hope you find something you like!
Have you listened to Seventh Wonder yet? Tommy is one of the best vocalists out there. I particularly suggest the Mercy Falls album.

Save yourself the trouble...Tommy IS a great vocalist, and I am looking forward to seeing him this September...but Seventh Wonder's lyrics are crap, their concept album had me laughing out loud, and I resold both CD's I bought at PP about a week after I got home. I really do not care much about the money, but I really really want that two hours of my life back!

If nobody has mentioned it yet, check out Nightwish, or DreamScape, or Dreamstate...
^ Don't listen to him. All of the instrumentalists in Seventh Wonder are top notch and the vocalist is one of the best ever. He's missing out on one of the greatest joys in life...
^ Don't listen to him. All of the instrumentalists in Seventg Wonder are top notch and the vocalist is one of the best ever.

Wow, you're actually making a comment that's not purely based on your eternal, unconditional prog love! :lol: I actually agree with that statement wholeheartedly...

dtguitarfan said:
He's missing out on one of the greatest joys in life...

Whoops, there it goes down the drain... :lol:
Wow, you're actually making a comment that's not purely based on your eternal, unconditional prog love! :lol: I actually agree with that statement wholeheartedly...

Whoops, there it goes down the drain... :lol:
Well he is.... ;)

EDIT: Some people are very vocal about the music they love, whilst others are quick to talk about the music they hate. The haters need to simmer down and drink a beer: there are better uses of their time. And I believe most often the haters were probably hopelessly prejudiced against what they were about to hear before they ever heard it.
I gave the lead singer props, first off. And you, like most of us, have a life and would not want to go back and see all of the bands I have touted in this forum. To save you that trouble: my negative posts about bands are about 1 in 50. If anything, I have a lower threshold than many for the quality of work. But when you go to www.darklyrics.com and read the lyrics for the band, you realize that they have nothing to say. That "concept" album, especially the interludes, was just terrible in Seven different ways.

I missed out on nothing. I gave the disks a spin, found them completely without merit, and sold them.

Tell me you could not hear the Brian Seltzer Orchestra doing this song:
Alley Cat

I've got a broken heart and a broken smile
When I fall I get up even if it take a while
Seeking shelter in the ghost of Elvis
and all of the magic Michael left this world
And I ain't leaving even if I know that
Sometimes I drive on the wrong side
Somehow I'm terrified
Some days I will stay inside to cover that I've cried
Being twice as sorry because I've lied

Such a sad looking clown
In a world upside down
Astray in the alleys of this town
There's but one little sun
Where she can safely run
When she comes undone...

Oh baby let me stay your alley cat
You're my wire to the light
And my spark here in the still of the night
So baby let me stay where I'm at
In your sight I always feel alright

I'm right where I don't want to be
And it's a mystery
How the will to fit in is making me
A hole in history
And as long as I'm alive I won't be free
Sometimes I'm left on the outside
Somehow I've got no pride
Some days I am trying to survive when I collide
With an empty Jackie by my side

Such a sad looking clown
In a world upside down
Astray in the alleys of this town
There's but one little sun
Where she can safely run
When she comes undone...

Oh baby let me stay your alley cat
You're my wire to the light
And my spark here in the still of the night
So baby let me stay where I'm at
In your sight I always feel alright

Why me? I'm trying to find
a way to erase and rewind
Help me face my fears
Stay pulling strings my dear
Rule me like a puppeteer...

Oh baby let me stay your alley cat
You're my wire to the light
And my spark here in the still of the night
So baby let me stay where I'm at
In your sight I always feel alright

Excuse me for wanting my bands to actually SAY something meaningful, other than "Ohh baby baby I am crying for you inside, like a little bitch." It is not enough to have a prog sound, you have to back up the melody with substance, or you are just another love song band that never went mainstream.

(Walks right past the firesuit...cause he doesn't need one here!)
I'm glad to see I'm not the only person on the planet that loves Age of Nemesis. I've always wondered why they don't seem to get any love around here.

I need a new album from those fellas.
....Excuse me for wanting my bands to actually SAY something meaningful, other than "Ohh baby baby I am crying for you inside, like a little bitch." It is not enough to have a prog sound, you have to back up the melody with substance, or you are just another love song band that never went mainstream....

Funny, your aforementioned bands also have songs with that theme...

Dreamscape - from "All I need":
"...Just to feel to be in love with you
Is worth the game every day I play.
Every time I’m sharing with you...
...don’t say goodbye before we try...

Tell me is this all about and all I care for...?
This I want you to know...

All I ever wanted, all I need
I can find anywhere in you.
All I ever trusted in and all I really need..."

Nightwish - Feel for you:
"You were my first love
The earth moving under me
Bedroom scent, beauty ardent
Distant shiver, heaven sent

I'm the snow on your lips
The freezing taste, the silvery sip
I'm the breath on your hair
The endless nightmare, devil's lair

Only so many times
I can say I long for you
The lily among the thorns
The prey among the wolves

Someday, I will feed a snake
Drink her venom, stay awake
With time all pain will fade
Through your memory I will wade

Barely cold in her grave
Barely warm in my bed
Settling for a draw tonight
Puppet girl, your strings are mine

This one is for you for you
Only for you
Just give in to it never think again
I feel for you".

To see things in another perspective: Seventh Wonder's 'The Great Escape' has a lot of themes.
For example:
'The Angelmaker' - In Sweden during the late eighteen hundreds, a lot of children were born by poor, unwed young women. They were often forced to hand their children away because they could not care for them. The government then paid for orphanages to care for the children. Some privately run such institution made a routine of abusing the children and not feeding them properly etc. until they finally died, and turned into angels supposedly. This song deals with a famous Swedish, such angelmaker, that was ultimately sentenced to death.

'King of Whitewater' - This song is based on Swedish folklore, about a being who plays the violins in the rapids in the woods, luring people into the water and then drowns them.

'Wiseman' and 'The Great Escape' - The problems told in the story of 'Wiseman' (we're destroying Mother Earth if we continue what we're doing) can be seen as a reason for 'the enourmous undertaking' later on (in 'TGE'), i.e. leaving Mother Earth to find a new world to live in - based on the book 'Aniara' written by Swedish Nobel laureate Harry Martinson in 1956.

....(Walks right past the firesuit...cause he doesn't need one here!)

Actually, Tommy doesn't need one anymore at all now...!! ;)
Hey everybody - Mr. No (can I call you that?) found a *gasp* love song on the Seventh Wonder album, therefore they are a "love song band that never went mainstream"! He did this after listening to the album once, so therefore he must be an expert - you all should go get rid of your Seventh Wonder albums! I know, you all, like me, are probably surprised to discover that Seventh Wonder actually HAD lyrics because you were too busy drooling as you heard those amazing riffs, but it's true! And Mr. No, who is an expert, has said they do not have substance, therefore there is no reason to ever enjoy this:

Hey...someone's headbanging! Stop that! You're not supposed to enjoy that! Hey, are you doing the air guitar?! NO!!! This song has no substance!!! You're not supposed to enjoy it!!!! ARRRGH!

Yes, based on the lyrics of one song, I am sure that means the entirety of Seventh Wonder's catalog is worthless and therefore I will just have to sell all my SW cd's on ebay. Thank you, Mr. No.

Mr. No: go drink a beer.
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I'd like to add that the underlying meaning of 'Alley Cat' goes way, way deeper:

The main character in 'Alley Cat' is a broken soul who has lost control over her life/herself - "when she comes undone"...."trying to survive when I collide, with an empty Jackie by my side".
The way she lives her life now, as an adult, derives from a tumultuous childhood she had - problems in her youth, messing things up, feeling unhappy/unwanted. While growing up, her family life was very tragic.
(By the way, SHE is also the main character in "Long Way Home'!),

So, a bad childhood, making bad decisions in the past and the pressure from nowadays society to fit in and to succeed has made her disorganized and she has fallen to pieces. She is "trying to find a way to erase and rewind" though! She would love to turn back time and do it all over again, but now in a different way of course!
Thank yoy Kazar - if you couldn't tell I rarely pay very much attention to lyrics as, to me, they are more like the cherry on top and the music itself is the ice cream. Heck, I listen to music in other languages I don't understand and enjoy it! But it does add a bit to the experience when someone explains to me what the idea behind the lyrics is about! You have just made that song even better to me!
I expect the 7th wonders to defend. That is fine. But I pull one song as an example of all, not one from many of merit.

Mainstream bands do songs like this all the time. Seventh Wonder does a bunch of these songs. Nightwish does more than Dreamscape, but not nearly as much as 7th wonder. I directed our "new" listener to DarkLyrics in an so that a judgement could be made on the words before they listen to the music. When you go there, you see something a lot of 7th wonders do not want to face...the writing is "5th season of Night Court laaaaame"

Ayreon does concept albums. Evergrey does concept or theme albums. Nightwish does concept and theme albums. Relationship songs (not love songs or lovesick songs) are not a staple of their diet.

Hey, if you like that sort of stuff, 7th wonder is for you! If you like to listen to an album of meaningful songs with an occasional love song thrown in, then don't go to 7th Wonder.

You've read the lyrics from Alley Cat (god).

You want a Concept album? It is more on the power metal than prog, but the concept is fantastic...Check out the album Hyperion, from Manticora:


["The loss of a day, through the length of a night"]

Come child join me, now that the whiskey
Has turned me into another man
We'll talk and we'll laugh like old times
And we'll try to understand

As I see your face, pale and terrified
It's a nightmare coming true
And believe me daughter, everyday
It's a new you I'm talking to

Old Scholar - man of wisdom
Take your daughter to Hyperion
Now, don't hesitate to come
Put a dagger into her heart
- let her spirit fly to the sun
Let her spirit fly to the sun

How my God can this be true
And why, did it happen to you
Why do I have to stand helpless by
To relive your life too

I come to find upright in bed
To remenber all the tears we have shed
Don't tell me, coz' I already know
I'll let you cry for the twentieth night in a row

I remember you smilling in the sun
I recall everything you and I have done
To relive it everyday is too hard for me
Welcome back little one

I won't hold you back
I won't stand between you and destiny
There were times when I ignored all the signs I was given
But now I have to let go and set you free
And then they finish with a stanza from "A Prayer for my Daughter" by Yates:

Considering that, all hatred driven hence,
The soul recovers radical innocence
And learns at last that it is self-delighting,
Self-appeasing, self-affrighting,
And that its own sweet will is heaven's will,
She can, though every face should scowl
And every windy quarter howl
Or every bellows burst, be happy still.
Sorry 7th wonders...more weight to that ONE Manticora song than all the stuff they have done.

Is Manticora's vocalist anywhere near as good? No. But at least the songs have meaning.
Mr. No, let me explain something to you: in order to promote music it is NOT a good idea to try to tear down another band in the same genre (ish) first. It's not like politics in that you don't have to vote for just one person. It IS like politics in this way: I don't know about everyone else, but I know that when the only thing I hear from a candidate is "the other candidate sucks" I decide that the first candidate doesn't have any idea what to do with the country and is good at nothing but being an a$$***. Now, people here who are not Mr. No, please forgive me for what I am about to say (I would have never said this because I feel there's room for music appreciation for both bands here, and many more), but what I've heard of Manticora's stuff has always bored me, musically speaking. All I've ever heard from them was "jugga jugga jugga" patterns - musically very boring. And you go out and listen to that ONE Seventh Wonder song that Mr. No is trashing, and you hear better guitar and bass riffs in 30 seconds than I heard in an entire Manticora show. Now, I didn't have to say that. In fact, I have thought to myself many a time "I should probably one day buy a Manticora album and give them a decent chance - really listen and analyze." But you, Mr. No, are an ass, and because you are an ass and a Manticora fan that has deterred me from that plan.

Music Appreciation is not about trashing other bands in order to build up your favorites. There's room for appreciating many bands here. I apologize to any Manticora fans here who are not Mr. No.
Also, I should add, there are many Seventh Wonder fans in this forum, including the moderators, and you're not making any friends by trashing them. You can promote the bands you like very easily without doing so.
Also, I should add, there are many Seventh Wonder fans in this forum, including the moderators, and you're not making any friends by trashing them. You can promote the bands you like very easily without doing so.

Breathe, man. We're all here because we have a love for the music, but sometimes even our favorite bands make a lousy song or album. It's not disloyal or hateful to say so. We don't have to be cheerleaders 100% of the time.

And I dig Seventh Wonder, but seriously, with those lyrics "Alley Cat" would make a sweet rockabilly number.
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