Newb question about preamps/control desks, etc.


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
Ok guys, forgive tEh newbness, but I wanted to know a couple things.

Guys with big consoles SSL, whatever they may be. What are they used mainly for if someone is using outboard mic pres and the like? Are the mics used for recording routed into the desk, then sent to the outboard equipment?? I just want to know what their main purpose is, since many cats record without them completely.

Also...preamps. The Vintech x73 is a single channel:

Does this many that it can only be used on one track at a time? Or can tracks be routed into one so it can be used over multiple tracks at the same time?? I see "single channel" and "4 channel" pres or whatever...Does channel=track? Or am I just being stupid?

Sorry for the extreme newb questions, I'm just trying to understand console signal flow and the like. thanks,

A lot of the huge desks actually control the DAW - moving a fader or knob on the console moves a fader or knob virtually.

Single channel mic pre's = one mic can be used at a time. That vintech can only be used with on microphone, while something like a 4-channel API 3124+ can be used with 4 at a time, as it has 4 seperate pre's.