newer amorphis


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008
so i stopped caring about this band after am universum, but recently i've been listening to some of their later output, and while it is far more lightweight and easily palatable than the classics (tuonela, elegy, tales) they sure do know how to write a catchy song or two

so although they're sort of a one-trick pony these days, i think they've kept their dignity intact, and the new singer has grown tremendously and at this point is a very good fit for the music i think

do you still care about amorphis in anno yersinia pestis spiritus 2012?
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I'll ask Black Winter Day and see what he thinks...... that obnoxious college fag
The band have certainly had an unusual career path. But the one thing that is certain is, they know how to write songs. Personally, I think the last few discs have been very strong. Granted, all those discs are very similar. But none the less, quality output.
This is my Amorphis Tale Across Time:

'90s heard some songs, didn't like them.

'00s bought some albums, didn't like them.

'10s said "fuckit" and bought the latest album (Under the Red Cloud) and decided to give Elegy another go (I didn't like it in the '00s).

Holy shit! The new things are pop/metal but with high quality. And I removed some earwax or whatever and like the old stuff as well.

But here's my question, I am missing the following albums:

Am Universum
Far from the Sun
Magic & Mayhem (I don't like re-recordings so I will get this one last unless someone says BUY AND/OR DIE)
The Beginning of Times

Do I need any of those? I get the impression these are the "bad years" from this band, post-classic, pre-revival. But I've been wrong about Amorphis before, hence the query.

Tales From the Thousand Lakes and Queen of Time are probably my two favoUrites, yeah figure that one out yourself. Although I did have a fish that I named Elegy because he looked just like that album cover and dammit I really miss him. That album is almost as cool as my dead fish. Almost.
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Skyforger is good. If you like Eclipse and Silent Waters, youll like it.

Beginning of Times is adequate.

Am Universum is closer to Tuonela without the doom-ish feeling. More prog-ish.

The rerecording thing is worthless unless youre dying to hear them cover Light My Fire.

Far Away From the Sun is their worst. Two good songs.

Dont forget about their two EPs....Black Winter Day and My Kantele. Both have good material for that era
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Eclipse and Silent Waters I'm a little... ehhh... on. They are good, but I'd rather listen to the newer stuff if I'm in that mood. I'll wait on Skyforger.

Am Universum I should get first from all these I'd reckon. Beginning of Times is a concept album tho, and I am a huge sucker for that. Hmm.

I have the Black Winter Day EP on my version of Tales, and yeah that shit is good. It also has Light My Fire and man The Doors are like IT for me for original rock and/or roll, but I'm not really into that cover.

My Kantele EP I should snag, hey it has a Kingston Wall cover! An old Finnish friend of mine introduced me to them.

Elegy album.jpg
Elegy fish.jpg

He was almost the right shape.
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Am Universum is weird enough that you may appreciate it. I still don't know if I like it as a whole, and yet it's one that I bought on CD and purchased again in digital format. *shrug*
i really don't care for am universum, i bought it when it came out and was really excited because i loved and still love tuonela, but i was sorely disappointed. i think they well and truly dropped the ball.

"alone" is a classic but the rest of the album is forgettable and tired as fuck

"far from the sun" is generally considered their worst, i don't have it and what i've heard is really quite bad

i think out of your list, "skyforger" is probably the most solid album
I never bought any of these other Amorphis albums, BUT, I have joined the future with Amazon Music and they have some of them with my paid Primo membershit.

So now I can hear the middle era crap period of this band, without having to collect more pieces of plastic that I don't have room for. Huzzah? Therapy? Gay Rights?
Gay Rights?

it's a sin. you're gonna be real hot.

I re-listened to Queen of Time. I like it, but it almost feels too slick or poppy or both. For me, it'll always be Eclipse and Silent Waters with the new guy. They've essentially just become the Amon Amarth of slickly produced, well-written pop metal. The last 6 or 7 are almost interchangeable.

but hey, it's no Far From the Sun, which is good
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