Newest studio work.

the guitars would benefit from less high end. The toms are a bit too free, some hits pop out to much and some don't. The kick could have a bit more high end or not depending on how much your going to cut on the high end.

The guitars are too thin and don't sound hard panned to me. I could be wrong, but they just lack the spaciousness that I would normally associate with it. They need less highs and more chunk.

The playing seems very good, from what I can hear. Once you get a solid tone, the guitars should rock :headbang:

Start with the Frederik Thornendahl metal preset for this track on TMF and work your way from there. The drums at this current state are really far from great. Let me try to be constructive.

If you were to work from where this drum sound currently is:

Lower the hi-hats and possibly compress the overheads a bit as a whole. They're quite dynamic, too much so in my opinion.

The snare needs 400hz to go away. It's really boxy and too cracky at the same time.

The kick has too much ambience. I'm assuming your room mics are up a lot higher than they should be. I would recommend just playing with the faders in foundry on the room mic and overhead channels until you get something more pro sounding. Use a reference mix.

If you want some REALLY in depth help, PM me and we can talk.
Had ozone on my overall mix so i removed it and then went through and compressed the overheads and used the "Metal Foundry Mix" Preset and removed some of the 400hz from the snare.
Didnt really do anything to the guitars besides hard pan the Lead track. It was originally Rthm-L100 R100/Lead-L65 R65.
I know the guitars are still lacking presence in this mix. So any help will be much appreciated.
