Testing out new monitors (Engl Savage 120 + Recabinet demo)


Apr 14, 2008
I've recently bought a pair of Yamaha MSP5 Studio and this is the first mix I've done with them.

The guitars are dual tracked Engl Savage 120 with Ghandi 6L6 impulse. Sloppy playing but I guess you can hear the tone.

Drums are S2.0, kick is 100% replaced and snare are a sample blended with Nir-Z.

Is this mix any good or is it just crap? How can I improve the mix?


Hey man, the guitars are cool but a bit thin and messy from too much gain IMO. The bass is too loud (and maybe too muddy, though that could just be from the volume), and the snare has this weird ringing that's driving me crazy - also, the hi-hat has this weird hiss that's kinda distracting. Kick is good, but a bit thin and clicky also. Definitely has potential though man!
Thanks for your respond, very much appreciated!

I've updated the mix in the first post. Lowered the bass, changed snare sample and re-recorded the guitars with a little more bass and less gain. Most likely I'll quad track the guitars sometime soon to get a fuller sound.