Newly Enchanted

Hen Act

...Dropping En
Feb 26, 2004
N. Reading, MA
I recently puchased TOW, Blink, Juggling, Break, and Blueprint (my wife has since taken away my credit card) and have digested all of them and cannot believe the LACK OF weak tracks by this band. As of January 2004 I had never heard of them. As an Enchant virgin (I listen to all things prog though) I have some Q's for the pros:

1) Does everyone feel that TOW, in whole, is the strongest work?
2) Where does Wounded fit in musically (I haven't found it yet)?
3) The production and sound on Blueprint seems very different. Is this due to its age and does Wounded sound similar?
4) Is Enchant a full-time job for the members (yet)?
5) Would the band consider selling direct to the fans (a la Marillion) in order to achieve #4?

BTW, I consider this group to be the greatest find since Spock's in the 90's and Marillion in the 80's, and-well let's face-just about everything in the 70's, even Styx was good, ADMIT IT! Truly exceptional at every level.
#1. One of the amazing things about this band is nobody can really agree on what the best album is. I think Blink is probably my favorite album, but I think I've heard every album listed as someone's personal favorite. A tribute to how solid ALL albums are, I think.

#2. It's got some very cool tracks on it (particularly the first section of the album), but overall it's probably my least favorite album. To other people, however, it's their favorite.

#3. It was the first album, and the band was pretty financially limited. Blueprint is a fantastic album, but often I have trouble listening to it simply because the recording quality is so poor. Time lost is much better, and Wounded is a bit better than that. IMO, of course.

#4. No, unfortunately not.

There are people who don't like Styx? *boggle* ;)

I was actually listening to their latest album on the way into work today. =)
Hey! Enchant is definitely a great find, they have such a high emotional output in their work it's hard not to love them.

1) I feel that Juggling 9 Or Dropping 10 is their best work but Tug is definitely a great album. The first 4 on there are among the best songs they've ever made. But Juggling 9 has personal preference to me being the album that carried me through some really tough times again and again.
2) Wounded is more like a stripped down Blueprint. Not that that's a bad thing, but the songs are much more sparse sounding and almost have a dark acoustic feel. I personally rate it higher than Break, Blink Of An Eye, and Time Lost. Pure, Fade To Gray, Broken, Distractions, and Hostile World will have you shitting yourself!
3) Wounded has a similar sound but is improved somewhat. There's less keys so the presence of guitar is much more noticeable and the tone is heavier.
4) No unfortunately. They should be millionaires touring the world with about a million top ten songs(how the hell are Follow The Sun, Beautiful, Colors Fade, What To Say, Elyse, Black Eyes, etc etc etc NOT HUGE???) The industry sucks
5) That could be a great idea but I don't think Enchant have quite the fanbase Marillion does to pull off something successfully. Marillion have possibly the most dedicated fanbase I've ever seen with people willing to pay as much as possible to support them. Enchant never got this chance seeing as Marillion WERE gigantic back in the 80's and slowly declined but keeping a rather big fanbase.

It's always good to have someone else check this band out, they deserve to be heard
I've been reading this forum for about a month now, through Enchant's website. This thread finally made me want to register.

Hen Act! Thankfully, there's someone out there just like me! I too only discovered Enchant a couple of months ago and subsequently bought all the albums... oops... er, CD's. ( I guess I gave away my age!). In fact, I was able to find all of them, except Blueprint and Wounded, which I finally received only yesterday.

Where I first thought, "Hey, I can definitely hear the influence of my favorite bands on their music," I know hear Enchant for exactly who they are: a truly unique musical force of their own! It's quite interesting to hear all of the CD's in short succession. Where if you've been a fan for a long time, you have grown along with the band with each release. I think us newbies, on the other hand, who get them all at once can really hear a progression and maturation with each album.

To me, each one has a unique personality of its own. Growth is evident with each release, but each one is decidedly Enchant. I'm still gathering data, as it were, about each one. I definitely have my favorite songs, but a decision on a favorite album is still elusive.

I LOVE reading everyone's commentary about their thoughts on each album, in this thread especially... so KEEP IT UP!
SQUONK2 said:
I've been reading this forum for about a month now, through Enchant's website. This thread finally made me want to register.

Hen Act! Thankfully, there's someone out there just like me! I too only discovered Enchant a couple of months ago and subsequently bought all the albums... oops... er, CD's. ( I guess I gave away my age!). In fact, I was able to find all of them, except Blueprint and Wounded, which I finally received only yesterday.

Where I first thought, "Hey, I can definitely hear the influence of my favorite bands on their music," I know hear Enchant for exactly who they are: a truly unique musical force of their own! It's quite interesting to hear all of the CD's in short succession. Where if you've been a fan for a long time, you have grown along with the band with each release. I think us newbies, on the other hand, who get them all at once can really hear a progression and maturation with each album.

To me, each one has a unique personality of its own. Growth is evident with each release, but each one is decidedly Enchant. I'm still gathering data, as it were, about each one. I definitely have my favorite songs, but a decision on a favorite album is still elusive.

I LOVE reading everyone's commentary about their thoughts on each album, in this thread especially... so KEEP IT UP!
Check 1,2,3
Hen Act said:
Check 1,2,3
How the fuck to you reply to your own thread????? Remember when you actually SPOKE to people???! This is my first time on an internet chat room deal, so I ASSUME you are all beautiful, naked............................................................... fat guys like me. Actually, if this got one more prog person to log on, well then I did my job. A puzzle: 2 prog guys minus 1 Timberlake fan equals? 2! 2 minus ZERO IS 2! More curious music people (read Jazz, Classical, Hard Rock, Funk, etc...) need to jump on this--what do you internet freaks call this--THREAD. Great music is in short supply and this group delivers. I'm depressed to hear they have day jobs. The entire PLANET EARTH should be ashamed of themselves (my apologies to anyone that is deaf--although you have been spared the radio at large). BTW, anyone figured out my forum name? Much more to come...
>> 1) Does everyone feel that TOW, in whole, is the strongest work?

"Blink" is probably their strongest, in my opinion, with "Juggling" right behind. And actually, if I'm allowed to count Wounded and Time Lost as one album (they are packaged together as a rerelease and the first four of the seven Time Lost tracks are Wounded leftovers) then Wounded/Time Lost possibly sneaks up to #2 or #1.

>> 2) Where does Wounded fit in musically (I haven't found it yet)?

A big step up from "Blueprint", I think. Not every song completely does it for me, but the band's song-crafting ability seems much improved and more professional. It's an album you must have, and if you don't own the Time Lost cd either, get the double-pack. I couldn't imagine my CD collection not possessing the songs "Pure", "Look Away", "Distractions", "New Moon", "Under the Sun", and "Blind Sided".

>> 5) Would the band consider selling direct to the fans (a la Marillion) in order to achieve #4?

Had the band's second or third outing spawned a "Kayleigh", maybe..... The fan base is just too small.

mourning Valpo's embarassing defeat at Duke,
np: Wolverine - Cold Light of Monday
1) Does everyone feel that TOW, in whole, is the strongest work?
Tug of War definitely is my second favourite Enchant album, just behind the incredible debut. I love every track except for #6 and #7, which are just "good" in my books.

2) Where does Wounded fit in musically (I haven't found it yet)?
Like DTArtstar said, it sounds like a more minimalistic version of Blueprint. The sound is not as warm, the guitar and keyboard melodies not as lush. The songs are really long and there´s plenty of instrumental interplay, but it mostly lacks the mind-blowing hooks which made its predecessor that good. The first five tracks are really good, though I´m getting more and more into the whole album as of late.

3) The production and sound on Blueprint seems very different. Is this due to its age and does Wounded sound similar?
Again, as DTArtstar said, Wounded sounds colder, harder, darker, it´s more difficult to get into it. It might coincide with Steve Rothery not having aided the band in producing the album any more. Enchant themselves hate the sound of "Blueprint", which I somehow can´t really understand.
Squonk2 and Hen ACT welcome. I am your host, Mr Roarke....

Guys please try to make it to the 3/13 show. Since you are new and probably don't know their history, this event is truly Enchant's peak so far. Enchant has never headlined and the infrequent excellent live shows they do play, they have been limited to 60mins. Finally a headline show of 2-2.5 hrs of bliss. Squonk2 it is only a short drive away. Getting from MA to CA is going to be expensive, Hen Act, but it you have some extra income, I guarantee you will have a blast seeing the boys in Oakland. Any SF, San Jose, Oakland, or even Sacramento flight (which I got an extremely cheap flight & rental car to) would work & if you do it today/tomorrow, it is before the cutoff day of 14 days for cheaper flights.

Take care,

FYI, my favorite is TOW, definitely.
"Guys please try to make it to the 3/13 show."

Thanks, jjmannford. YEP! I've already got my tickets for the show, and I'm pretty excited about it! I've watched the show they did at NEARFest online a number of times and am pretty pumped to actually see them live... as a headliner, no less. I've come to realize that this is a special opportunity and I'm fortunate that the show is right up the freeway from me! The guys are based here locally, and I'm surprised they don't do more local shows, but anyway...

The NEARFest show has REALLY given me some insight as I get to know the material. I've fallen in love with "At Death's Door", which was their opener at NEARFest. Now that I've finally gotten "Blueprint", I can hear the progression in their ability with the song. The live performance is superior, and I can't WAIT to get this live album and hear their more mature execution of these great compositions. Example: "Below Zero" There's a live cut of it on the Special Edition of Tug Of War that kicks my butt! However, I now just got Wounded and as awesome as the composition is, the live performance has much more power 1) because it's live, and 2) because the band sounds like it has really matured around the composition after playing it live for years.

Long winded, I know. But I'm just happy to have a chance to talk about this with other fans. My wife, as awesome as she is, isn't a musician like I am and isn't as in to music, but she's a great sport and has been enjoying the tracks with me. Actually, she did come in the other day when I was listening to Blueprint for the first time after I bought it and she said, "So, have they become your new favorite band?", immediately recognizing it as Enchant.

I'm a blessed man!!!!! :)
jjmannford--I would give ANYTHING to be at that gig! And pre-wife and baby, I would have walked to the West Coast if necessary, but alas...growing up sucks. This is doubly painful because it was only a few months back that another legendary west-coast-once-in-a-lifetime gig occurred (some Christian dude with a kick ass drummer) and now I shall miss both. Hopefully both will rock on CD and DVD. More hopeful is the fact that I believe Enchant will grow and I will see a full set out this way in the next few years.

BTW to those that replied Marillion can do it because they have a large fan base owing to the Kayliegh era--those pop fans are long gone (anyone wanna take a shot at what year Misplaced came out--it'll REALLY depress you) and I think they are drawing off a completely different set of fans now (albeit, a larger base than Enchant). Anyway it was just a thought.

Does anyone think the members are nervous having to gear up for a full set headlining gig that is being documented for all to see for ever and ever? Sheesh, I'd be sh**ting bricks.
Hen Act said:
BTW to those that replied Marillion can do it because they have a large fan base owing to the Kayliegh era--those pop fans are long gone (anyone wanna take a shot at what year Misplaced came out--it'll REALLY depress you) and I think they are drawing off a completely different set of fans now (albeit, a larger base than Enchant).
Well, it takes fans to make fans. Today's marillion fanbase are the residuals of their 80s success. If the Fish era would never have happened, I don't think H and company would have half the fan support they currently do.

Could be wrong...

I guess the REAL question is: What is the math on self promotion vs. ultimate sales of a project in order to make a profit. With all the news about traditional studios closing (New York Times article this month) because of technology making home studios so prevalent, one would think the bands are actually gaining an edge in the industry wars. The next question, of course, is does Enchant want to deal with all the bullshit necessary to do this (very understandable if they do not). After all, they might actually LIKE their day jobs (ha, ha, ha...). So if it costs $X to make a cd, at, say, $20 (internet pricing) per cd, how many would have to be sold? Once you know this, you figure (in the case of Enchant) 99% of their fans would buy the next cd, ok lets say 75%; count the fans and there you have it--profit or no profit. BTW as far as counting the fans go, I'll start--ONE.

No one bit on my forum name, so here's a hint, the genesis of it is obviously this band, but the answer comes in 2 parts...think about it.
Easy one, Hen Act --- E-N-C-H-A-N-T ! :) You're just missing an "N" ! :)

And of course I will happily buy the next Enchant disc! :D


PS -- why didn't ya trek down to North Jersey to see Neal and Mike in November? Much closer than Cali, and it was a hell of a show! :)
No...there's something deeper going on here. Hen Act is a revolutionary (is there sun in Pennsylvania?) ... "tan Che" or...he's a closet lover of his Sharona... "the Nac"...:loco:

I've never given an actual cd as a gift, but the more I listen to my Enchant, I realize I will be buying many more of their cds to give as gifts, rather than the anonymous gift card. I have a cousin who years ago gave everyone she knew a copy of Neil Young's Goldrush album for Christmas in her enthusiasm to share some fabulous music. That one made me put away my Monkees albums! So the question to the guys is, just HOW big would you like to be? (uh...that's fame wise, guys...):headbang:

Via Grando :loco:
mgirishfan, I'm not easy (well, maybe after a couple of beers, but that's another thread!). YOU WERE SO CLOSE!! I didn't make a mistake with the anagram. Look at my ENTIRE name, title and subtitle...

HEN ACT = Juggling letters...Dropping En.​

I know, I know, I'm a loser baby...

Viadragon, this proves you are correct, I am very deep (at least that's what my therapist says). Here's a geat story about cd's as gifts. My favorite album in the early 80's was Born to Run. I gave it to a friend to get him into Bruce and, as a thank you, he gave me an album that he didn't like but didn't want my gift to go un-thanked. It was and is titled...........................................................................2112. And that's how Hen Act fell down the scree into the rapids of prog rock hell (The Lamb Lies Down came soon after).
Oh..duh. dropping N. And you certainly came out on the good side of THAT album exchange. I once won a radio contest and the prize was tickets to a concert by a nice little trio...called RUSH!!! I had goosebumps for the whole show and I was totally hooked on this thing called prog...:D

Via dragon, soon to be rocking on Telegraph:headbang:
Does anyone think the members are nervous having to gear up for a full set headlining gig that is being documented for all to see for ever and ever? Sheesh, I'd be sh**ting bricks. :OMG:

Bring It! :loco:

Hen Act

We are busing @ss getting ready so this will be a great gig for all of you! the best fans in the WORLD!

Hey we will be surrounded by all the people closest to us and the support will be amazing!

Rehearsal was great tonight and all of us our looking very forward to this one!

No bricks allowed :loco:

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