Newly Enchanted

DT Jesus said:
I don't know, I think Born to Run can give 2112 a pretty damn good run for its money.

np: Marillion - The Space...

I actually agree, but if we get into a track by track comparison of Springsteen vs. Rush, I think we would be at the end of the universe as we know it.
I'm not sure if I'm the "newest" Enchant fan. But I'd have to say that I'm in the top 100 or so...depending on how many new fans were made Saturday night. Hi everyone. My name is The Lurker, and I'm addicted to prog...
Rush vs. Bruce springsteen :OMG:
i shouldn't even go there, but.....
please, i'm not a critival guy now
and im not the biggest prog fan in the world
and i respect bruce springsteen for take on society
and i'm not the stickler for technical music
and bruce does wear his bandana, t'shirt and torn jeans well
and Rush hasnt changed my life
and Geddy Lee is not the best looking guy out there
and Max Weinberg does play for Conan O'brien, who is funny
and Lifeson isnt Alex's real name
and springsteen does give a positive message
and no i dont think Neil Peart is God
and i havent heard much of "The Boss'" music beyond FM radio
and i dont bow down to 2112 as the scope of society
and yes it is a lonesome day
Bruce Springsteen (The Boss) :Smokin: (and his band)
Rush :rock: :worship:
really do not compare in terms of musical abilities and honestly shouldnt be mentioned in the same sentence like that.

When "the boss" is back with his original band members, doing a 30 year tour and still sounding tight as anything and thick as everything, (hence Rush), with only two other guys, i'll give him my thumbs up. Hey i'm sure he's a great guy too
So im very sorry if i've offended anyone and i didnt mean to kind of rant like that but things 'progress' ;)
-and i think i just wanted to use the bouncing smoking smiley cause i havent seen it used and it is Bruce springsteen. thanks ---~Aaron
I just can't believe the first on-line forum I ever experimented with is still going!!!! I was an Enchant virgin when this started and now have about 2/3 of their songs and lyrics memorized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A couple of observations:

1) This thread sucked Sqounk2 into this whole gig and via his name and another participant I managed to squeeze in my all time favorite live progressive rock opening tune -- Dodo/Lurker.

2) 2/5ths of Enchant are on my first ever thread...that's just fucking cool.

3) I have officially told the whole world (right at this thread's outset) that I AM A STYX FAN...that's not cool, but I've been in the closet for way too long.

4) Bruce and Rush actually do have a couple of very important things in common:

a) They both started small playing bars and clubs and built a fan base before the internet and other such tools.
b) Because of this, they became better players and gained a respect for success once achieved.
c) They both were lucky enough to become millionaires in the music industry, mainly due to endless hard work (read touring) and, of course, some luck.
d) Today, despite their status, they have more class than most of the young punk-ass kids that dominate the airwaves these days. And comparing their musical abilities to todays players would just be a joke.
e) Curiously, both play incredibly long sets covering their entire careers, many times two to four times the length of sets played by bands today. The shows aren't cheap, but at least they give their fans their money's worth.

5) We all should pray for the same million-dollar success for Enchant, because it is clear they have immense respect for their fans and deliver live just like The Boss and Rush. (although I could be wrong, they might turn into a bunch of dicks...I, for one, am willing to take that risk)

Well a friend recomended for me to order the Blueprint album...waiting for it to arrive as I have heard good things about Enchant :)

Hi BTW :wave:
I too am newly "Enchanted"--I caught the song "Open Eyes" via an internet radio station and on a whim went to their website. Needless to say--several purchases later, my credit cards are now safely encased in a block of ice in our freezer as you read this.

It's difficult to fully explain the significance of this find for me as a music lover--I feel like I've been seeing hieroglyphics all my life, only understanding a fragment here, a glimpse there, and suddenly stumbled onto the Rosetta Stone. Enchant has created their own unique musical signature, a blend of progressive musical chops and radio-friendly hooks that I've not heard since Rush, Kansas, or Asia (the first album, not the subsequent crappy ones).

They have consistently succeeded where countless others have failed and we, the fans, are the beneficiaries. Major kudos to the boys in the band... as long as you keep putting 'em out, I'll keep buying 'em! :rock: