

Glorious Imperator
Oct 16, 2003
Stockholm, Sweden
Hi guys, I'm Alex, and I'm new...

The new songs (what I've heard) are killers, and I'm definitely buying the album. I loved TD, but thought MR was a little bit too progressive, so this is back to basics, basically, but with an even tighter sound, and with great keyboards. I just love the way the guitar chugs during the verse of Conjuring The Thoughts, and how the song explodes into this catchy chorus. Yeah! Most bands tend to get too heavy on the keyboards, and kind of 'forget' the guitars, but this is not the case here! As for the tracks I've heard, Skyfire does everything right...!

OK, enough ass-kissing. I'll probably post a review as soon as I've got the album.

Welcome to the boards, always nice to see new fans around here. Just do us a favor and try not to talk about Spectral too much until it's out. Just not really fair to those of us that have decided not to download it.
Cool beans, dude, thanks. I refused to download Mind Revolution as well, and it paid off, so I'm really looking forward to Spectral. I know it's gonna be amazing, and now I've got you to back it up.
I sent an email to Arise to see if I can give them the money for it early, so they ship it out the day of release. Hopefully they'll understand it :erk: the majority of the site is in Spanish.