Thoughts on Spectral?

To me, an album is a little bit like a videogame; You dont want to buy the same game over and over again. And while a new game do rock sometimes, its always a blast to pick up an old classic. :cool:
Pardon me, but I'm not sure what exactly you're getting at with this one. You say you get tired of playing the same old stuff, but then you suggest the older stuff is better? Is that what you were saying? Sorry, maybe I'm just reading too much into this. :ill:
I really hate to say this but after waiting weeks and weeks and almost a month, I still don't have 'spectral', and according to that jerk in the recordstore it's gonna take another damn 2 weeks to wait for it...
how can I wait when I heard 'cursed by belief' and 'shadow creator' :loco: .

keep bangin' :hotjump: .
Gadlor said:
Pardon me, but I'm not sure what exactly you're getting at with this one. You say you get tired of playing the same old stuff, but then you suggest the older stuff is better? Is that what you were saying? Sorry, maybe I'm just reading too much into this. :ill:

you´re right. But it sounded awesome in swedish :Smug:
what i meant is that you dont want to buy the same game twice, instead you buy new good games/records cause want variation or a new sound/experience. But that doesnt mean that every good release even comes close to the one released by Rapstars ´78 or the release of the computergame Sex-games back in the 80´s . :cool:
Just writing some lines before i getting to sleep........When Martin and i, and the rest of the band write music, we do it because it´s fun. And when some people like it, of course it feels great, but in the end it´s for our own pleasure we do it :hotjump: And if it ends up in one album a year it´s just cool i think.

It´s good to hear peoples oppinions about our music, even if we often don´t care, it effects us somehow. So thanx a lot for all positive AND negative stuff you write. At least it looks like u guys care. Cheers :wave:

(anyone going to Sweden Rock??)
I really need to buy Spectral.

Its just a shame that you can't go up to a cd store and find good music anymore.

Hmm maybe I can get it specially ordered at Boarders I think them and amazon.con have some kind of deal.
SkyfireAndreas said:
Naturlement monsieur :loco: Forget it, but it would be really cool if you did :hotjump:
I could probably get tickets to girlfriend's uncle works sound for Sweden Rock each year...but I'd miss my graduation and that's probably a bad idea. :)
Grevén said:
Jag ska dit och jobba som säkerhetsvakt, så det är nog bäst att du håller dig i skinnet! :)
Jag hörde det från Martin och Murdoc :) vad gött det ska bli att sitta och dricka sprit, när DU får hålla dig i skinnet :) Oj oj oj vad kul vi ska ha :hotjump: Ska du jobba hela tiden??
its a great great album, i never thought Skyfire to be a Kalmah or Bodom clone in any way. all there releases have been different from one another. which is a good thing. this release is a bit more heavier and relies on more generic leads rather than a more razzle dazzle show. i love this cd alot and it gets a 9.5/10. i am very picky so to get that score it impress's me a ton! keep up the good work and TOUR THE USA!!!!!!!
SkyfireAndreas said:
Jag hörde det från Martin och Murdoc :) vad gött det ska bli att sitta och dricka sprit, när DU får hålla dig i skinnet :) Oj oj oj vad kul vi ska ha :hotjump: Ska du jobba hela tiden??
Vi har inte fått något schema än, men även om man är ledig ett par timmar i sträck är det nog inte läge för en spyfylla. :Puke:

Det var ju längesen man träffade både Jonte Myra och dig, så det ska bli trevligt :)
Vem är det mer som ska dit?
Sollet, Ollar, Aron?
Spectral is great! I totally agree with Skyfire... I think change is good on each album... as long as it's metal :). Anyway, I love the new synth sounds in the song as well... it reminds me of playing a video game of some sort... like Final Fantasy. Spectral is one of those albums I'm going to throw in when I'm really happy and want to throw in some awesome metal. I told some girl at my college about you guys (she doesn't know metal at all, but plays piano) and she was astounded at the music. She loves it.

I think every song on the album has their strong points. To me, each song is quite unique sounding and has a different feel. My favorites on the album are Cursed By Belief and Awake, because, well, I don't know. I love it. On cursed by belief, the arpeggiated piano near the end was very well put into the song... like it makes the song "flow" very well.

The production, to me, is very well-done. I think this is the production you guys should have for any future releases... I can't imagine any production better than this.
Everything, from the guitars and synths, to the bass, drums and vocals are great. But there is always one question lurking in the back of my mind. Is there ever going to be clean vocals? I mean, I usually hate when all the good metal bands overflow their songs with clean vocals, but I think it's okay every now and then. After listening to old Skyfire (within reach and whatnot) your music sounds very interesting with cleaner vocals put in as well. Just a thought.
Anyway, this album is great... couldn't really ask for more.
That taste of clean vocals you get in Shadow Creator gives me chills everytime, one of my favorite moments on the album.

"Do you really exiiiiiiiiiiist...."
If you add these clean vocals everywhere, they easily start to replace guitar melodies. Remember what happened to In Flames, Soilwork and the new Edge of Sanity? If you want to listen to clean vocals, then listen to some crappy gothic metal bands, but keep the clean stuff hell out of Skyfire. Let the guitars do the job.
I don't think really awesome guitar leads necessarily are replaced by clean vocals. Some bands may do that, but that is just that band. Kalmah's song The Third The Magical has crazy leads and a giant chorus of Pekka Kokko's singing clean. Besides, it's not like they're added everywhere - it's one small touch, in one song. I wouldn't mind a few songs with some parts sung clean, either. The Duskfall's song Frailty is also pretty awesome for some random clean parts on an otherwise all-growled album.

It seems like Henrik is more comfortable with his distorted voice, and I can't see Skyfire going the way of Soilwork and In Flames - they're not exactly as commercially successful or renowned. However, it's not like it's our decision what to do with the music. They write the stuff: we're just along for a very awesome ride.
Kirurgisti said:
If you add these clean vocals everywhere, they easily start to replace guitar melodies. Remember what happened to In Flames, Soilwork and the new Edge of Sanity? If you want to listen to clean vocals, then listen to some crappy gothic metal bands, but keep the clean stuff hell out of Skyfire. Let the guitars do the job.
Again your being paranoid and picky. Like Gadlor said, theres no reason why harmonies and melodic vocals can't coexist in a song. In Flames and Soilwork didnt write the melodic death rule book for fucks sake...I hear some guy from India did, but thats beside the point! I think some clean vocals added for texture would be cool.

If you heard Imperanon, they use those great power metal vocals in maybe 2 songs, but it's not like they sacrificed all their melody for it. They just used it in a way to bring to life a few songs that needed it.

Besides, like Gadlor said (yet again), I don't see Skyfire going the way of clean choruses and Henke's voice slays (this is the best he's sounded since TD).

(Crimson II pwns u :p)
Gadlor said:
I could probably get tickets to girlfriend's uncle works sound for Sweden Rock each year...but I'd miss my graduation and that's probably a bad idea. :)
having done each of these (grad from high school and gone to europe), i would sugest you go to sweeden! graduation is long and boring, and when you're 80 and all old an shit, are you gonna reminisce about that sweet high school graduation, or that time you went to fuckin sweeden? go svenka! (is that the word? or did i just make that up?)