Spectral is great! I totally agree with Skyfire... I think change is good on each album... as long as it's metal

. Anyway, I love the new synth sounds in the song as well... it reminds me of playing a video game of some sort... like Final Fantasy. Spectral is one of those albums I'm going to throw in when I'm really happy and want to throw in some awesome metal. I told some girl at my college about you guys (she doesn't know metal at all, but plays piano) and she was astounded at the music. She loves it.
I think every song on the album has their strong points. To me, each song is quite unique sounding and has a different feel. My favorites on the album are Cursed By Belief and Awake, because, well, I don't know. I love it. On cursed by belief, the arpeggiated piano near the end was very well put into the song... like it makes the song "flow" very well.
The production, to me, is very well-done. I think this is the production you guys should have for any future releases... I can't imagine any production better than this.
Everything, from the guitars and synths, to the bass, drums and vocals are great. But there is always one question lurking in the back of my mind. Is there ever going to be clean vocals? I mean, I usually hate when all the good metal bands overflow their songs with clean vocals, but I think it's okay every now and then. After listening to old Skyfire (within reach and whatnot) your music sounds very interesting with cleaner vocals put in as well. Just a thought.
Anyway, this album is great... couldn't really ask for more.