news flash: corretta scott king died


Feb 21, 2003
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i dont know if you guys heard????? anyone living in atlanta sure as fuck has heard about it for the last week 24-7!!!! her funeral lasted 6 hours, 6 FUCKING HOURS( all televised and pre-empting radio shows to cover the horseshit), name one thing she ever did??? nothing, she married a communist civil rights leader who fucked around on her 40 years ago, she has done nothing since and they are acting like a pope/ex-president has died. they are now showing the hearse carrying her from lithonia to downtown georgia, of course they are driving at 20 mph for the cameras, and have shut down major highways for this bullshit event stranding 50,000-100,000 hard-working georgians in gridlock traffic for this waste of space. fuck her and her non-existing legacy. will it ever end????
ivankoloff said:
i dont know if you guys heard????? anyone living in atlanta sure as fuck has heard about it for the last week 24-7!!!! her funeral lasted 6 hours, 6 FUCKING HOURS( all televised and pre-empting radio shows to cover the horseshit), name one thing she ever did??? nothing, she married a communist civil rights leader who fucked around on her 40 years ago, she has done nothing since and they are acting like a pope/ex-president has died. they are now showing the hearse carrying her from lithonia to downtown georgia, of course they are driving at 20 mph for the cameras, and have shut down major highways for this bullshit event stranding 50,000-100,000 hard-working georgians in gridlock traffic for this waste of space. fuck her and her non-existing legacy. will it ever end????

Why do you hate America? :err:
Mxgonzo said:
A moment of silence for Grandpa Munster please.

Remember when Grandpa was running for mayor of NYC in 2001? That would've kicked ass! Then he'd be reelected for sure last November, and died in office, and gotten a funeral WAY fuckin bigger than da King's Byotch in Atlanta. Even Bill and Hitlery would've been in attendance for Grandpa's farewell! Ah, what could've been....

Jurched said:
Remember when Grandpa was running for mayor of NYC in 2001? That would've kicked ass! Then he'd be reelected for sure last November, and died in office, and gotten a funeral WAY fuckin bigger than da King's Byotch in Atlanta. Even Bill and Hitlery would've been in attendance for Grandpa's farewell! Ah, what could've been....


Bill and Hillary paying homage at Grandpa's funeral in Munster make up as Herman and Lily...that would have been precious.
i was reading a column by some black, liberal commentator the other day [Leonard Pitts, Jr.] and the subject was the King legacy being marred by commercialism.

he said he requested an interview with Coretta Scott King for a radio show, along with the use of a MLK sound bite.
he was told the cost would be $5000 and that he wouldnt be allowed to meet with King until the $$ was paid.

she started the MLK Foundation and they take in millions every year, yet, the building that houses all the pertinent articles of MLK history is in poor repair and falling apart.

AND, the writer of this article found it rather tasteless that not only did they charge him $5000 to just meet with MLK's widow and for the use of ONE sound bite, but that they also granted permission for MLK's image to be used in a cell phone ad, placed between Homer Simpson and Kermit the Frog.

i watched the eulogy that was given by her daughter and heard her say, '...she didnt do it for the money...'
apparently, SHE DID!!

i guess i cant blame her.
if my hubby cheated on me the whole time i was with him, while i was home taking care of the kids, when he died, if i could suck funds from his dead, bloated body, i believe i'd do it, too!
SueNC said:
i watched the eulogy that was given by her daughter and heard her say, '...she didnt do it for the money...'
apparently, SHE DID!!

Hell yeah! Every time someone licked a stamp with Martin Luther the King's face on it, Coretta got like 3 cents! For a while, USPS royalties alone gave her three new 500 series Mercedes-Benz a year!
