News follow-up comments

Yaay welcome back to the Borknagar camp guys. AND YAAAY, JANUARY 2009. Time to mark the calender. Boy seriously I can't wait, best news in a long time.
BETTER THAN NOTHING. I was expecting late 08/early 09 anyway. Can't complain, I just like to think the longer it takes... the more effort is put into it. Better than it sounding rushed or something.
Not that anything Borknagar can do would sound bad, ahem.
full line-up again, new album in early 2009, great news :)

but I was really hoping for some news about the dvd as well
Fantastic news! Genuinly mindblowing! Erik Tiwaz is a first class bass-player and he was perfect for the first-class band Borknagar already from when he joined first time. The fact that he is joining the ranks again is plain wonderful! And also that Jens rejoin the ranks as Bruns sidekick is no less fantastic, considering he actually played on Borknagars two best albums to date, The Archaic Course and Empiricism.

Borknagar is a world-class band. Nothing less. And with the line-up now completed ... man, this is the era of The Borks! :loco:
Excellent news. The more other people who contribute to the song-writing process, the less monopoly Vintersorg has over it.

I posted the press release in the General Music Discussion.
Excellent news. The more other people who contribute to the song-writing process, the less monopoly Vintersorg has over it.

Wait, Vintersorg actually songwrites for Borknagar? I thought he wrote that one song on Epic and that was it.

If this is the case then I like and agree with your reasoning!

Then again, I liked Epic a thousand times more than Empiricism. Hmm...
Thats fantastic welcome back Tyr and Jens, the band is stronger than ever again with new album coming then tour please!

2009 is far away yes, but I know it takes time to create good albums so take your time guys just make it great!
I definitely had a feeling Tyr would comeback, he seemed so pumped about Origin. This is very pleasing news. The line-up that created my favorite Borknagar album is back, Empiricism made me a die-hard fan. Now I really can't wait for the new album, but January 2009 is a long wait. At least each member is active with their other projects with releases do in the near future, that will hold me over. Excellent. Thanks guys!

But I will miss Asgeir's smooth bass skillz. Another chapter is about to begin!
The fact that it's going to take so long to put this album together almost makes me worry about something. I hope it's not going to be so complex, full of frills and nuances that in the end it misses the point of it all. A collective effort is great, but don't stray from a singular vision. I don't want an album where each song is written by a different band member. That's not what I call cohesion, no matter how heart-felt and intimate this collaboration is.
The fact that it's going to take so long to put this album together almost makes me worry about something. I hope it's not going to be so complex, full of frills and nuances that in the end it misses the point of it all. A collective effort is great, but don't stray from a singular vision. I don't want an album where each song is written by a different band member. That's not what I call cohesion, no matter how heart-felt and intimate this collaboration is.

You seriously read too much into this, or rather, you worry to much. These guys know what they're doing, just relax.
I agree with Heartless Name. They know what they're doing and regardless of the lineup of the band, Oystein has been and probably always will be the primary song writer. If there are any major contributions by other band members it won't be huge, probably only a song or two, which is always super awesome in my opinion. It's Borknagar, they know what they're doing. And in response to Zephyrus, I don't think this album is taking any longer than their past albums. There is always a 2 or 3 year gap between Borknagar albums, and this one is no different!! I'm excited :D