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Also remember, these are people who are also doing other things - they're in other bands or writing solo material. They're parents. They have day jobs, school, and/or are running their own businesses. They're busy, busy folk.

But anyways - great news, and welcome back Jens and Erik to the fold!
I don't know man. He has a point. I don't want Empiricism part three.

I'm agree with you. Emp and Epic aren't so different between them - not as the another albums were from each other - But this can be explained, since 2001 are playing on Bork more or less the same guys, since 7 years ago, so I can understand Borknagar is developing 'their sound' as a 6(4)-piece band.

Honestly I'm waiting for something new but if Bork now release an epic pt II or something, that will mean that sound is the Borknagar sound, for 2009 and remaining albums for recording.
I'm agree with you. Emp and Epic aren't so different between them - not as the another albums were from each other - But this can be explained, since 2001 are playing on Bork more or less the same guys, since 7 years ago, so I can understand Borknagar is developing 'their sound' as a 6(4)-piece band.

Honestly I'm waiting for something new but if Bork now release an epic pt II or something, that will mean that sound is the Borknagar sound, for 2009 and remaining albums for recording.

Exactly. I'm hoping the reinvention will be there this time. The reinvention is what makes Borknagar.
Yep, sounds like a great move to me. For me, the Empiricism lineup was pretty much perfect. Looking forward to the new album. Now all I need is for Borknagar to be annouced for Bloodstock Open Air this year (well, I can always hope)
I really wish Lars's little brother Sindre Nedland could do clean vocals on the next album. With all due respect he's already proven with Myrkgrav he's a better singer than Vintersorg and Lars put together and he's exactly the breath of fresh air Borknagar needs. Not to mention he could sing in Norwegian.
In the GMD forum someone posted a thread with the title "Cryptopsy drummer Flo Mournier dead at 34" and then failed to rick roll us with an embedded youtube vid.
I think this is seriously good news! Can't wait to hear the next album! Even if it's kinda far away, I'm anticipating it and it means you guys will have a bit more time to get the sound you want etc. Empiricism has been my favourite release by you guys so far, it had an epic sound, and was well produced, yet still had a "raw" feeling to it. Gods of my world, behold!
I just got the news. Now this all takes me back in time to the Empiricism release. I have been following Bork ever since, sometimes caring more, sometimes caring less. Time flies, as they say.... Since '01 I got family, got kids, got more wrinkles under my eyes , but still looking forward to the new Bork album in the 'classic' Emp lineup :-)
Ah, damn it. I'm gonna miss him. He's my favorite drummer in the world...who the hell could replace Asgeir? *sigh* This really bums me out...hopefully it won't be Hellhammer.

"As stated before, the new album will regain the musical forces that dominated the four first albums. So beware!"

Now that's the most direct statement he's made so far about the way this album will sound. That's good news at least.
Strange that he wants to go backwards on himself though. Still, shud be a interesting album.