news: Osama bin Laden is dead!

Surely it's taken way, way too long for it to make America look good.

"hey if you order an attack on the United States then we'll kill you, a decade later... maybe"


Yeah, such a weakness, go learn from England.
I wouldn't seriously try and argue that we've been in a stronger position than the US is now, at any point, post war.
Because the market is driven by the emotions of idiots. It's the same reason why Japans stock market rose like 225 points or whatever yesterday when they announced the fuckers death.

As for the DNA thing, the only bit that is confusing is when they killed him. Some say earlier this week, Obama said it happened yesterday. A DNA test for a civilian usually takes 5-10 days (but you have to count in processing and etc. so the time is super inflated by artificial measures), that being said though, the fastest I've heard a DNA test being completed in was 48 hours. I wish I knew how long the actual test itself took though, because more than likely all you would need to do is add an hour or two to it and that was probably the most accurate assessment of how long the test actually took.

They got the DNA from his sister who died in an american hospital of cancer. A lot of people said the government extracted her brain or some other bollucks, which is just fucking weird. All they probably did was issue a subpoena and collect some blood and tissue samples. What's interesting though is that it was his half sister (hearsay is his dad has around fifty children with a score of different women, Osama was the only child from this particular mother). That really doesn't make much of a difference when it comes to autosomal testing though.
Because the market is driven by the emotions of idiots. It's the same reason why Japans stock market rose like 225 points or whatever yesterday when they announced the fuckers death.

Ya I know. I wasn't going to mention it but I figured someone might know a realistic and logical reason for it.

As for the DNA thing, the only bit that is confusing is when they killed him. Some say earlier this week, Obama said it happened yesterday. A DNA test for a civilian usually takes 5-10 days (but you have to count in processing and etc. so the time is super inflated by artificial measures), that being said though, the fastest I've heard a DNA test being completed in was 48 hours. I wish I knew how long the actual test itself took though, because more than likely all you would need to do is add an hour or two to it and that was probably the most accurate assessment of how long the test actually took.

They got the DNA from his sister who died in an american hospital of cancer. A lot of people said the government extracted her brain or some other bollucks, which is just fucking weird. All they probably did was issue a subpoena and collect some blood and tissue samples. What's interesting though is that it was his half sister (hearsay is his dad has around fifty children with a score of different women, Osama was the only child from this particular mother). That really doesn't make much of a difference when it comes to autosomal testing though.

Right, those were the underlying points I was pointing to. I was under the impression that a DNA test took time. From the way the news reports makes it sound, they killed the guy and pretty much knew instantly via DNA testing that it was UBL. I don't think that's possible.

I've also heard, and this was even back when I was still in the Corps quite a few years ago that we, Army or Marines, don't recall which, had killed a son or two of UBL's which if they had taken a DNA sample of his son would make sense. I don't know, it just seems strange.

I also understand why the government had buried him in the sea so fast, because an Islamic law states that they should be buried within 24 hours, but how the hell does this apply to him? Sure, he may have followed Islam, but the guy was nothing more than a mass murderer. He did nothing but harm to thousands of people, and if the government was concerned that there would be backlash for not following this Islamic law then they're fucking stupid. Anyone Islamic person who would take offense to that is probably a UBL supporter and should kiss our collective dick.
They should have buried him by Ground Zero and charged admission to piss on his grave. America would be out of debt in a month flat.
I don't think you understand just how much debt we are in.

Or how money works.

I did find the partying in front of the whitehouse distasteful. There is a stark difference between the sobering reality that you took down the most wanted man in the world, and the blood drunk revelry that positioned itself in front of the whitehouse. I would say to take a moment and reflect on the past decade and all the shit that's happened to get here.

Yeah, he was a terrible human being, but his death doesn't change anything. Our government did not do enough in the slightest to help its citizens cope, nor did it do enough to supply our troops with everything they needed for the last decade, nor did they even offer to take care of the first responders during 9/11 till a few days ago (and even then they are forcing first responders to be cross-referenced with the terrorist watch list). On top of everything we paved the path to his grave on the backs of a hundred thousand civilians. Really, was it worth it?

I wish I knew what those SEAL's who shot him are feeling right now. Most soldiers have a large problem killing enemy combatants, even when justified.
I'm also really curious what kind of power vacuum has been created, and if there will be in fact any revenge from the network. Wikileaks released a bit of info about "raining down nuclear hell" from some gitmo detainee's when the subject of Laden's capture or death was brought up. Then again, it was a gitmo detainee, it's not like they are the most reliable of informants (you know, because they were probably tortured to the point where they would say anything).
The "conspiracy theory" says he's been dead since Dec 2001.

Pretty convenient for Obama to suddenly have this "success", and also convenient to hide the body. Why not bring it back and give him the Lenin treatment at Ground Zero? Would have had much better political affect.

This. I was with this camp, but then I saw the pictures. Though, there's no proof those are current pictures either.

Either way, it's pretty fucking convenient this happened right before Obama's re-election campaign kicks into high gear
This barely matters because he's going to be replaced and Al Qaeda is probably planning a revenge move.
I read something on Drudge today that Wikileaks posted something about how al-Qaeda said they would set off a nuke if bin Laden was killed. We'll find out how true that is soon enough.

Some dude unknowingly tweeted the whole raid as it was happening, lol. Good evidence.

Someone mentioned this on another forum. Link? How can you unknowingly tweet something as it is happening unless he's actually doing the deed?