News Update

Jan 13, 2004
I´m usually really quite patient with these things, but is there really nothing to say about the band right now? No new status in the writing process or anything? Peter leaving is hardly breaking news at this point and I get more updates from Mike´s myspace it seems.
As far as i know Mike has 3 songs complete as in demos.

I think the next big bit of info will be info on the new Opeth dvd. Which should be hitting the website anytime now..... hopefully
Maybe Mike is back in Bloodbath so they don't shoot too much information to keep the surprise. Imagine by the end of the summer: Info on the Bloodbath lineup, Bloodbath DVD, Bloodbath Ep, Opeth DVD and Opeth info on the new record. Big news! lol
in the festival last week, i think someone here said that Mikael said that they were going to book the studio in November, then release the new album sometime next year or something.
anyway, Im now lookin foward to the new DVD. shit, they should have a blu-ray version cuz i just got my ps3 lol.
There's a lot of news that we'll release soon. Good and unexpected news too! I think we had enough negative news lately, so once we release everything I hope you'll be excited. Problem is right now, everything's "hush-hush", but I guarantee there will be great news coming soon!

Cheers + my fingers are hurting. I've been working on perhaps the most twisted song I've ever written. It's so sick I don't know if it's good or the worst piece of shit I've ever heard. Haha! I'm setting the trap for myself here....

Mikael Åkerfeldt;6363256 said:
I've been working on perhaps the most twisted song I've ever written. It's so sick I don't know if it's good or the worst piece of shit I've ever heard. Haha! I'm setting the trap for myself here....


:scott walker:
Mikael Åkerfeldt;6363256 said:
There's a lot of news that we'll release soon. Good and unexpected news too! I think we had enough negative news lately, so once we release everything I hope you'll be excited. Problem is right now, everything's "hush-hush", but I guarantee there will be great news coming soon!

Cheers + my fingers are hurting. I've been working on perhaps the most twisted song I've ever written. It's so sick I don't know if it's good or the worst piece of shit I've ever heard. Haha! I'm setting the trap for myself here....


ahh i can't wait to hear new music. I'm looking forward to the supposed DVD as well...hopefully the orchid songs from the New York Town Hall Show will be on there :loco:
Haha I didn´t think my call for a news update would actually end up being answered. Thanks for the words Mike, we all eagerly anticipate the fruits of your labors.