
Well it is that time again where I whip my wit up and tell all of you the happenings in the world I like to call Rapture world,A little world where I wish I were Rush Limbaugh and had 10 million listners who would beg to do my biddings but if that were true me and Jen from Metal Blade would be gettin it on 24/7 and I would not have time to run the station because Jen would be busy beating me off of her leg with a baseball bat.Hey that reminds me if anyone wants to go to and buy me the "Mace only makes me hornier" shirt I give you permission.
So in my relentless pusuit of honesty I have to tell you the fight is not getting any easier as we are struggeling to meet our expectations around here.
1.Our server is down so we cannot update our webpage
2.The people here in Oklahoma continue to not accept Rapture even though we are the only station that plays Metal at all!
3.People are still on the rampage to curse my name into the ground.
On a happier note let me tell ya some killer news!
New material on the station from Nghtwish,Mastodon,Dillenger Escape Plan and coming very very soon from Darkthrone,Six Feet Under,Amon Amarth,King Diamond and many many more!
The Underground show The Rapture Sabbath continues to Kill as Sunday Night is now our biggest night of the week!
I have been thinking of doing this Top 20 as a show on Saturday nights playing the Top 20 as a countdown show would you guys like placate me and at least pretend to listen?
So with us breaking the 10,000 listner mark last month what am I bitching about?!?!?!?!?!?
Well I love all of you and want to spend more quality time with you thats all my little cuddlecakes.......
Top 20
1.Mistletine-Where no Angels Dwell
2.Dokken-Kiss of Death
4.Dangerous Toys-Scared
5.Torn Within-Dread and Memory
6.Dissmemeber-Of Fire
7.Meridian-Immortal Ancestry
11.Dementianon-Self Inflicted Abuse
12.Symphony X-Inferno
13.Penetrator-Spread the Mind
14.Bowlscraper-Red Hair Revolution
16.Dark Tranqulity-Tongues
17.At the Gates-Swarm
18.IN Flames-Jotun
19.Orphaned Land-The Birth of Three
20.Betrayer-Descendants of Death
Ok everyone visit Twan and get a shirt so you can look like me and also so he can afford someone to fic his site so Rapture can stream on it he needs my voice it comforts his urges to pilage young male buttocks.Also if you get the chance to cath Goat Horn and The Hollw tour so fucking do not miss it!
You know where to hit me up
So by the way lets leave this up to a vote shall we?
Who wants to hear the top 20 as a show on the station?With a weekly contest?
email me your answers!