Next tour?


New Metal Member
Feb 10, 2004
Does anyone know when does Opeth start touring once again?
And Mikael, if you're reading this, please come to Finland again. Opeth is obviously growing here in Finland. Please make it happen.
Do you guys think Opeth will stop after this upcomming record? Cause I dont know if they will continue playing. Hope they will :wave:
Detric said:
Do you guys think Opeth will stop after this upcomming record? Cause I dont know if they will continue playing. Hope they will :wave:

Do you have any logical reason as to why you think they would stop? :err:

Oh, and as far as the next tour goes, when you consider the fact that they were touring for essentially the last year and a half, you would think we won't be hearing anything from them until sometime early in the new year (or at least, I hope so). At a guess, a new album sometime in the first 1st or 2nd quater of 2005 and perhaps some touroing (not ever band extensively tours every album) in the 2nd or 3rd quater.