Martin Lopez' health

I too suffer from panic attacks and such it all came on from smoking pot and got worse til i couldnt even ride in cars to going outside but through self therapy im able to hold my own now.
Martin Martin,
please get well.
A world of music without you,
is far too similar to hell.
We fancy your skills,
it gives me thrills,
hope the doctors don't give too many pills.
Kill the disease with your two bass pedals,
we know you have a strong heart of Metal!

Get well Martin.
err... is that the thing you make with your ass??

Oh wait, that was poo...

Poem you say? Well, if it makes Martin feel better, I'm all for it... ;)
As long as it's not Vogon poetry :p

(hehe saw HHGTTG again yesterday)
gutrot said:
it all came on from smoking pot
That's exactly what I was thinking. I've heard Lopez smokes a lot of herb, so that could be the reason for the panic attacks.

Well, I hope he gets better soon. My favorite drummer. If anyone from the band reads this, send Martin our regards and tell him we look forward to his return!
Well maybe we should focus on the things we know for certain >:(

Anyways Lopez is as part of Opeth as my stomach is mine so hang on there man and get well!