Next Tour


Brother of Metal
Nov 22, 2005
Northampton, England
I've heard people mentioning it on other forums and I myself am curious, even if I think i've asked before, but forgot the answer :loco:

When do you think the next PQ gig will be? Will you do a tour later in the year? Or wait until next year?
If you're planning a London gig, try to make it on a Saturday so I can go! And without an over 18 age restriction!

Really?? I've only been twice, but I've never been to a gig there :( I was two days late for Helloween and PQ last time, and I would have gone earlier but the venue told me that it was strictly over 18's
"strictly over 18" mean if you look younger 12 they *might* ask you for ID. My sister looks like a lil' kid and goes to many a gig here without query. ^^
Excellent! So a new PQ album is on the blue horizon yeah?!

Yup, I've been talking about it on other forums too, my mates are really digging the albums too, a few of them have ordered Magic Never Dies off amazon!

But yeah, fingers crossed I'll make it to a gig, I want to see both you and Angra this year!

Thing about the over 18's thing Tonberry, is that they really do enforce it over here, and I'd be a bit paranoid about travelling all the way to London and not being allowed in! :lol:
Symphony said:
People talking about this elsewhere eh? Good good!

Well, we have no concrete plans at the although I am currently looking into possibilities for later this year and early 2007...before we head back to the studio!

too far away dammit :cry: ... come out, drink and kareoke with me in london instead if u dont tour!?? :lol: