What upcoming albums are you looking forward to?


May 11, 2011
For me it's got to be the new Dream Theater and Seventh Wonder albums. Both provisionally scheduled for next year! I can't wait to see what SW do next as The Great Escape is one of the most consistently brilliant albums I've ever heard.

Hopefully (the much overated) Kamelot won't have too much of an adverse effect on the band's future.
Only basing this on my Pre-Orders but:

Marillion - Sounds That Can't Be Made

Should be receiving this any day now and the songs they played from it in Sheffield on Friday Night sounded great, especially the 18 Minute opener 'Gaza' of which the performance was incredible.

Magnum - On The 13th Day

Confident this will be good and the artwork is fantastic.

Wintersun - Time I

Will be surprised if it's anything short of brilliant. Concerned that the Debut set the bar too high however.
As of right now, I'm REALLY looking forward to Silverthorn by Kamelot, Time I by Wintersun, and the as-of-yet untitled Stratovarius album that's supposed to be released next year.

Oh, and I just heard yesterday that there's a new Helloween album coming out in January called Straight Out Of Hell. AWESOME!