Next Vehemence show Dec. 4th

Jan 8, 2002
In Hollywood, at The Palace. This is gonna be bad ass!!! It's the Metalblade 20th anniversary show. The line-up is: Vehemence, Cattle Decapitation, Engine, Lizzy Borden, Armored Saint, and Cannibal Corpse! December 4th, so hopefully some of you can make it... Tickets are on sale now! Anyone from Phoenix gonna be able to make this trip???
I shall be there obviously....When we went to Metal Blade thjis past week Kelli was saying how awesome this show is going to be, and that there is going to be Metal Blade staff from the German office as well...THE PALACE BABY!!!!!!! One of the best venues in L.A!!!
Cannibal Corpse will be treating the party also as a part of their tour across America. It just runs into it. We play at 6:45 so I hope everyone gets their early enough since we are the opener of the event. Should be quite an experiance. Tickets are avaiable at Ticketmaster at this link. (Notice our name is mispelled to Vehemance-I am trying to get that fixed if possible.

Wow that's pretty sweet. You'll get really good exposure from that show, I would think Metal Blade would probably do some filming at that show too, dont you?
I wont be able to make that show, but I just wanted to congratulate you guys. HELL YEAH!
YES- It will be a great show! Hopefully LA Metal (the TV show based out of Los Angeles) will be allowed to get in there and Videotape the whole show! That would be awesome. If not, Kelli from Metal Blade said that they have friends of MBR that want to film the show and give it to Metal Blade as a present. So either way, I am sure there will be footage of this show coming out sooner or later:)
well, he is living in my drummer's house for a month, and he says he used to practice right next to where you guys practice... speaking of which, you still got that blue voodoo? we might go by there tomorrow and i want to check that out cuz i really need a new amp... if thats alright with you that is...