NG(a month ago)! Mesa Mark V and Mesa Rectifier 2 X 12


Sep 2, 2009
Everyone kinda knows I have it but..

The story ~shortened~ Not.
I bought a POD HD 500 (which I should have put up a NGD post a year ago, but it's gone, so fuck it) I despised the Line 6 sounds, just because. I had it for a while, I thought loved it, but secretly, I did not. :puke: Anyway, I put it up on the local classifieds here, and within the first day, some guy writes me and asks if I want to trade it for a mint Mesa 2 x 12 rectifier cab.. I kinda had a heart attack, then proceeded to tell him that I would deliver his precious POD to him for the cab. The deal was done and I had a cab with no amp. So, I was planning on just buying a Orange Dark Terror.. I watched some videos, kinda liked the sound of it, and it was pretty cheap. I went to Long & McQuade and was about to order one when I started playing around with the Mini Rectifier. I was semi blown away. It was damn tiny, and I always wanted a Mesa and it was not too horribly expensive. Anyway, I thought I'd consult the wife first (not suicidal) Anyway, I pick her up from work, I tell her that we need to go to Long & McQuade to look at an amp, she groans, screams, kicks, punches and spins her head around (not really, but close) and we go in there. I say "look, here's the little *keyword* mini *another keyword* rectifier. Isn't it (ghey) cute? She says, "yeah...." Like all men's reactions to everything in a female mall. She says "well why don't you get it?" I was all "dear god really?! Honess?! I can has!?" and as I walk to the counter I tap on the top of the Mark V and say "maybe I'll have this some day" she says "buy it then" I turned in to a weird fucking raise the roof douche and then reality hit me. I got all sick, confused, i was in denial, it was kinda like the stages of death, only not, at all like it. All the guys that were around us were saying "what the fuck, dude, she's talking him in to buying a Mark V, I've never seen this, what the fuck is going onnn??!!" She proceeded to say "we've been married for 5 year *maybe 6, I can't remember* and you keep wasting money on shit, saying you'll get something better, buy what you really want" .. I think she only did it so that all of the guys there would think she was the greatest fucking wife in the world, but anyway, there it is. I have it and never thought I would.


that was probably the most heart-warming story I've ever read here, besides some really intense discussions in the
blue or green thread...

Now we need samples! Btw. what kind of guitar is that?
My wife often does things like this, but usually pre-buyers remorse gets the best of me and I dont do it. But a similar thing happened to me the other day with a mint Tama Starclassic Birch. I couldn't resist. She pushed me for it, and it happened. Gotta love awesome wives! It arrives tomorrow!

Congrats man!

My buddy has a Mark V that we just did a bunch of guitar tracking with a few weeks ago and it truly is a fantastic amp. Have fun!
Thanks for the info, I only saw a part of the Schecter, but I wasn't able to see if it's a carved top or not
and it looked more brown on the first pic, so due to this it reminded me of a oiled charvel I saw some time

I am actually a lefty who's playing right handed because left handed instruments were to expensive for me :D