NGD! (Guitar and bass)


Feb 20, 2005

The Jackson is a DK2 that I bought from alan1990 (and the middle single coil that you see missing is for sale here :D), and as for the bass, since money is tight for me these days, I sold my MIM Fender Jazz a few weeks ago on ebay and picked up one of these beauties from the fine fellows at Rondo Music - even after dropping $15 on a genuine Fender USA J-bass bridge, $110 on the EMG PJ set, and $15 on that nifty Hipshot string tree (thank you ebay :D), as well as $55 on Schaller tuners, I still made around $150 in the process (sold the J-bass for $450 shipped), so I'm a happy man - especially since I've been re-tracking the bass parts for my EP with it tonight, and it sounds substantially better! (though a big part of that is I'm using higher-tension strings, and really beating the shit out of them this time)

And yeah, the quality of this bass is really top-notch, it really must be slave labor over there in China to offer it at this price! (he said insensitively - sorry, I've also tipped back a few :lol: ) And for those wondering why the top string is missing, see here :D
Nice man - good luck with them! I had a Jackson years ago - loved it but... it was stolen!

Also - I dig your taste in posters (Preist and Maiden) as well as Video game consoles (Xbox 360) as well as games (Mass Effect). :kickass:
The DK2 are fucking awesome guitars, they just feel so right for blasting out 80s thrash metal tunes:headbang:
Personally I think you're fucking nuts for taking out the single coil though:lol:
Thanks guys! Chris, that sucks about the theft man, fortunately I have yet to experience its bitter taste, fingers crossed I never have to! And good call on the posters and games (and Stee on the baseball :D). Zack, it is indeed, gonna get it all set up once I pick up a Trem Stop, and Harry, what can I say, I have absolutely zero use for a middle pickup, so neck + bridge + 3-way toggle = perfection IMO :cool:
Thanks guys! Chris, that sucks about the theft man, fortunately I have yet to experience its bitter taste, fingers crossed I never have to! And good call on the posters and games (and Stee on the baseball :D). Zack, it is indeed, gonna get it all set up once I pick up a Trem Stop, and Harry, what can I say, I have absolutely zero use for a middle pickup, so neck + bridge + 3-way toggle = perfection IMO :cool:

Yeah - it did suck. BUT, I had a VERY similar configuration to what you're planning to do.

Dual HB pups, and I ripped the center pup out of it. I bought a standard run- of-the-mill pickguard and cut it so it covered the slot where the central pup was, and it looked fucking sweet!

Damn... I miss that guitar!
Thanks guys! Kimon, I hear ya dude, waits are the bane of my existence, but at least it'll be all the sweeter when it arrives! :D Some (semi) crappy news - for some reason the low saddle on the Jackson's bridge was missing the saddle screw and string block (the thing inside the saddle that's tightened by the screw and pinches the string to lock it), and apparently replacements are gonna be like $40 shipped :mad: Oh well, it was still a $700 guitar for $250 shipped w/ case, so I can't complain :D
I'm late to the party but congrats dude!

I have to get me a bass one of these days. Dam that sucker is cheap. I might have to get this if you tell me it's bad ass. ;)
Any chance for a clip of the bass DI Marcus? I'm thinking about upgrading the pickups on my SX fretless to a set of the EMG J pickups and I wanna know how your bass sounds. Right now the tone I'm getting is really thin and dull on the higher strings (which could be due to a thin G and a thin C, at .045 and .030 respectively; or the fact that they're almost 2 years old and I'm too cheap to replace them.) EQ won't do much help if the source is bad, and I'm set to start recording bass tracks for my black metal band's full-length in the next few weeks.
Sure dude, here ya go - .120/.090/.070 Pro Steels for the C/F/Bb, and the neck pickup is down maybe 2/10ths of the way (I actually drew little lines on the chrome plate and adjusted it by lining up the split in the pot shaft with them, testing at each interval until I found the perfect balance :D)
Your DI sounds damn great, Marcus! Nice playing too.

I've been wanting to pick active EMG's for my bass for quite a while, haven't gotten around to it... the HZ's kinda suck. :(