NGD! - Ibanez fans rejoice!


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
So I finally convinced the woman to let me buy a new guitar. I love my RG but I wanted something different, and I knew of an Ibanez model I had played years back that I loved. So I hit up craigslist and BEHOLD there it is!!!

So I went to pick her up last night and let me tell you she is a fucking dream!

Ibanez S520EX

Love this thing!!! Went to GC and bought an Evolution for for bridge and she just rips! Still considering new neck pups.



The ZR trem is amazing and holds tuning extremely well. No issues with sustain. The neck is wonderful, little bit thicker then your standard RG style neck and a bit more rounded, but comfortable as hell.

22 frets makes her a bit odd to play since I am used to 24 but in time I will get used to it.

Mahogany Body
3 Piece Wizard II Neck
Beautiful Rosewood board with just the inlay at the 12th fret..... fucking SEXY!

This was a huge score at $300!!!
Nice!! I've been rocking my S-470 for about 7 or 8 years now. Thing has held up quite nicely. Do need to change hardware and pickups though.....she's seen her fair share of shows and abuse.
Man I used to have one of these years and years ago, back when they had dots on the fretboard instead of those slashes at the 12th. Kinda miss it sometimes.
oooo very nice!, and i agree with Ola on that, S series plays very well, but i think its hard to beat the RG style (especially the natural finish 321 w/ an x2n in the bridge that im using until i can get my jackson to the shop :devil:)