After 21 months... Yes boys and girls... It's finally arrived:

I give you, the Bernie Rico Jr. Hesparian Slant 6.
To be completely honest... I had almost given up on ever getting this thing. When I ordered it, I was promised a 3 month return time... Obviously that didn't happen. I've been pretty pissed lately about the lack of communication from the builder on this, but the past few weeks, he's actually been great. At this point, I really didn't have any expectations, as I'd been let down time and time again on the completion of this guitar, but it's finally here... and all I can say is:
I've had some great guitars over the years, ranging from high end PRS, Custom Shop Gibson, Blackdroid, LACS Ibanez, USA Jackson, Custom Shop Charvel, Oni - Hell, I even had a Blackmachine B2 at one point and to be completely honest, every single one of them completely fails in comparison to the neck on this guitar.
What a neck.
Until now, I've been touting the Blackmachine B2 as the best playing guitar I've had, and this thing honestly just kills it. It's completely in a league of its own, as far as I'm concerned.
Sound-wise, I still prefer my Jackson, but that's probably also due to the fact that I had Bernie put a pair of DiMarzio D-Activator Xs in it, which are INSANELY high output. My Jackson has a pair of BKP Nailbombs in it, which I think are a bit more my style... though I really dig the neck DiMarzio (if you know anything about me, I generally hate neck pickups), it might be a keeper. Definitely much beefier and brutal sounding than my Jackson. Not as much clarity with these pickups, though, which I didn't really expect them to have. Guess I'll just have to throw a BKP in the bridge now!