NGD: Oktober Guitars "False" Prophet!


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas

Bound mahogany neck w/mahogany body.
Set neck construction.
Premium ebony fretboard w/ no inlay.
24 fret neck
24 3/4 scale.
String-thru body w/ tune-o-matic bridge.
Graphite nut.
Oktober Blockhead pickups (BH-1 bridge BH-2 neck)

The custom pickups are GREAT wound at 14k, just enough crunch and they clean up really nice. CTS Pots and Switching. This thing plays AMAZING.

I did a Youtbe Video on it yesterday cause I fell in love with this thing, After the owner Tony saw the video he decided to give me the one above!

Here is the Video (crank up the sound something weird happened when I uploaded it and its like 1/2 Volume)


and before you comment (noone needs to see my ugly face ... LMAO)

Check them out at
Like the Wraith more, but don't like the design at all (not diggin most BC Rich guitars as well). And, on a sidenote, way too much talking imo :) A short overview of the specs is enough for me and just let the viewer decide if they like it or not, no need to mention how awesome you think the guitars are (no offense, dude, i'm trying to be constructive :) ). and, last but not least: why didn't you mic up the cab instead of using your cam sound?